The Design Space of Software development methodologies CS2310: FINAL PROJECT KADIE CLANCY
Motivation A multitude of software development methodologies to choose from Selection of an appropriate methodology may not always be a straightforward process The methodology that provides the most benefit to the project may be overlooked created the design space of software development methodologies in which I seek to comprehend different methodologies plotted as points SOLUTION
Previous work Previous work has been done to apply the principles of design space analysis to a variety of projects Computer input devices [2] Design space of jet engines [3] Seminar topic: design space for bug fixes and how developers navigate it [1]
Design space dimensions Survey of popular methodologies to determine features that are descriptive and common Tried to focus on characteristics of the methodologies, rather than characteristics of the project or team While not exhaustive, dimensions descriptive enough to distinguish methodologies from one another when plotted
Design space dimensions
Application to patterns in this space Problem: problem the software is being developed to fix Context: budget, deadline, client, team, project type, etc. Solution: most appropriate methodology (out of many considered on the design space) decided upon based on how the components of the context constrain certain dimensions of the design space. for example: if client time is limited, the method chosen must be restrained to “only initial reqs” on the user involvement dimension
Conclusions Design space can be used to visualize groups of similar methodologies Note areas for the creation of new methodologies Project managers may use a space of this type as a tool in the selection of an appropriate methodology for specific projects All methods may be visualized in one place
References [1] E. Murphy-Hill, T. Zimmermann, C. Bird, and N. Nagappan, The design of bug fixes, in Proc. Int. Conf. Softw. Eng., 2013, pp. 332341. [2] S. Card, J. MacKinlay, and G. Robertson. A morphological analysis of the design space of input devices. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 9:99122, 1991. [3] Zwicky, F. The morphological approach to discovery, invention, research, and construction. In New Methods of Thought and Procedure, F. Zwicky and A. G. Wilson, Eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1967, 273-297. [4] Murphy-Hill, E., Zimmermann, T., Bird, C., and Nagappan, N., 2015. The Design Space of Bug Fixes and How Developers Navigate It. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 41, 1, 65-81. [5] Software Development Methodologies, development-methodologies. [6] Software Development life sycle Models Methodologies, methodologies.