Tell the UA! Heather Roberts-Wrenn May 28, 2017 Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Personal Relationships
Annual Disclosure As UA employees and public stewards with high ethical standards, we have a duty to disclose the following: Conflicts of interest Conflicts of Commitment Personal Relationships The duty to report is on the employee to report COI/COCs, and on the supervisor or superior in a personal relationship A bulletin reminder will be going out in April; we wanted to inform you all first since many of your employees may reach out to you for assistance on this
Conflicts of Interest Research: Financial/Proprietary: Procurement: Financial/Proprietary: Make financial COIs known through filing a declaration of the conflict of interest that is available at the Purchasing Office, the Department of Human Resources or the Provost's Office interest-uhap Procurement:
Conflicts of Commitment Policy: Request for Approval of External Professional Commitment or Outside Employment: _basic.pdf
Personal Relationships Relationships Subject to This Policy Relationships with Students Outside the Instructional, Supervisory, or Evaluative Context Relationships with Students within the Instructional, Supervisory, Disciplinary, or Evaluative Context Relationships with Employees and Students in Other Contexts: personal-conflicts-interest-university-arizona
UA Foundation Disclosure In response to Lynda’s question in the meeting on UA Foundation: When employees are working with gift funds from UA Foundation, if you have a conflict of interest or personal relationship there is not anything above and beyond what you are already required to do under UA policy, but do ensure you have disclosed those conflicts to the UA through the above linked processes.