SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 10 101 100 102 1000 103 10000 104 100000 105 1000000 106 0.1 10-1 0.01 10-2 0.001 10-3 0.0001 10-4 0.00001 10-5
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 358 · 105 35 800 000 35,8 · 106 3,58 · 107 2 546 000 000 2 546 · 106 25,46 · 108 2,546 · 109 0,000 012 5 125 · 10-7 12,5 · 10-6 1,25 · 10-5 0,0531 531 · 10-4 53,1 · 10-3 5,31 · 10-2
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Pág.17 Ex.17 Write the following numbers in scientific notation: 0, 000 05 g 0,000 052 g 2 000 000 m d) 25 000 000 m e) 3 010 000 f) 0, 000 205
Values from Measurements The complete measurement is called a physical quantity. It consist of two parts: a number and a unit For example 100 meters = 100 m
MAGNITUDES DERIVED FUNDAMENTAL MAGNITUDES: MAGNITUDES: They are measured directly DERIVED MAGNITUDES: They are measured by a mathematics formula length time density surface temperature mass volume
IS UNIT Physical Property Name of Unit Symbol Lenght meter m Mass kilogram kg Time second s Temperature kelvin k Pág. 16
IS UNIT Length meter, m: the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second Mass kilogram, kg: the mass of a platinum-iridium alloy cylinder in a vault in France Time second, s: the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation emitted in a specified transition between energy levels of cesium-133 Temperature kelvin, K: 1/273.16 of the temperature difference between absolute zero and the triple point temperature of water
IS UNIT Pág.17 Ex.16 Expresses the following measures in fundamental SI units, using scientific notation: 76 km 3 g 5 dam 25 cm 32 mm 325 ms 82 g
Metric Prefixes G Giga 10⁹ Gm = Gigameter = 10⁹ meter M Mega 10⁶ ABBREVIATION PREFIX NUMBER EXAMPLE G Giga 10⁹ Gm = Gigameter = 10⁹ meter M Mega 10⁶ Mw = Megawatt =10⁶ watt K Kilo 10³ Kg = kilogram = 1000 gram c centi 10ˉ² cm = centimeter = 0.01 meter m milli 10ˉ³ µ micro 10ˉ⁶ n nano 10ˉ⁹ p pico 10ˉ¹²
Which of these amounts is greater? Pág.17 Ex.14 Which of these amounts is greater? 1 600 g or 1,5 kg? 1 450 mm or 1,3 m? 320 s or 5 min?
SI DERIVED UNIT DERIVED QUANTITY NAME Symbol Area Square meter m² Volume Cubic meter m³ Speed, velocity Meter per second m/s Acceleration Meter per second squared m/s² density kilogram per cubic meter Kg/m³ Pág. 16
Transform speeds in units indicated Pág.17 Ex.15 Transform speeds in units indicated In m/s: 72 km/h 100 km/h 120 km/h
Transform speeds in units indicated Pág.17 Ex.15 Transform speeds in units indicated b) In km/h: 12 m/s 340 m/s 0,36 m/s
Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature
Comparing Temperature Scales
(T ºC x 1,8) + 32 = º F