SiD IR Layout M. Breidenbach, P. Burrows, T. Markiewicz SiD Collaboration Meeting 16-17 December 2005 Fermilab
2005.10.11 Discussion SiD Dimensions from 2005-05 files Barrel radius=6.450m Barrel half-length=2.775m EC Yoke=3.12m thick EC Yoke ends at 5.895m=2.775+3.120m Garage assembly requirements 3m shielding wall between beamline position & garage Assuming self-shielding [which seems OK: see L. Keller, 2005.12.13 SLAC BDS mtg.] wall needed for commissioning only 5m free space between shield wall & rotated barrel yoke3 2m free + 2m assembly fixture+1m free 4m free space between rotated barrel yoke & rotated barrel HCAL 1m free + 2m assembly fixture+1m free 5m free space between rotated barrel HCAL & pit wall
Detector Access Guesstimates Door support leg overhang= 3.2m~25% door height (=barrel diameter=12.9m) Door opening= 3.0m Free space to walk around door ends= 1.9m Reserved radius = 8.0m (6.45 iron +1.55m services) Free space between dressed barrel & pit walls= 2.0m PACMAN annulus= 3.0m [1m Fe, 2m concrete] Other Tunnel diameter 3.2m Assumed beam height=Barrel radius + 1m
SiD closed, on beamline, in 20m x 28m Pit Wall Barrel Foot Door Tunnel 3.0 m 5.105 m Mobile PAC1 Fixed PAC2 Foot Shield Wall
R20 Detail 38cm OD Support Tube Crab 40cm OD SiD Aperture 1m wide platform
SiD open, on beamline, in 20m x 28m
Half SiD in 48m x 28m IR anamorphic scale Shield Wall 3.00 m 5.00 m Barrel Yoke rotated 6.45 m 4.00 m HCAL rotated 6.45 m 5.00 m
SiD (closed) in 48m x 28m IR x-scale=y-scale
Elevation View Pit Elevation: 30m ? 1.000 Barrel-floor 12.90 Detector diameter 12.90 Free space above detector 3.000 Crane bridge and hook
Remaining Issues Door opening sequence If 3.0m long PacMan moves over leg (how?) to outside 55cm clearance between door radius and PacMan seems marginal On Shielding wall side, assuming shielding not needed after commissioning, infinite space available On far side of garage, 10m is arbitrary 12m is approximate maximum for 2 IR Baseline Configuration Push-Pull not analyzed yet Maybe move it out radially, then back (in z) to tunnel wall 5.105m long PacMan either stays in position, surrounding final doublet/crab support platform, or itself opens radially to move to far walls, permitting 3.0m PacMan to open slightly & move back to pit wall Many beamline devices including Crab Cavity within 14m of IP It would be very, very good to have these devices in the tunnel Suggest we adopt a 18m wide hall by minimizing to ~ZERO both: 1.9m free space at end when door opens (SLD was ~0.5m) 3.2m door support length pocket in wall for door support legs use legless scheme for earthquake proofing / moving
Si D Open in a 20m x 18m Data Pit Support Legs in pockets, screw drive earthquake constraints, etc. Pit Wall at z=+9m
Half SiD in 48m x 18m IR Hall Anamorphic scale
SiD (open) in 48m x 18m IR X scale = y scale