Practical Communication Skills for Leaders Steve Case Involve Youth JCI 2 in Columbus, OH - April 8, 2010
“Tips for Youth Leaders” Cartoons from “Tips for Youth Leaders”
Cartoons from “Zits” comic strip
Potential Responses from Missing People
(attending a church elsewhere?) Not living in the area (attending a church elsewhere?)
Bored/Apathetic about Church
Angry/Hurt about something/someone at Church
Too busy with other things
Church is currently a low priority
Simply not interested in Church right now
Focusing on personal development
Focusing on job/career
Not enough people my age at Church
what the Church stands for Don’t believe what the Church stands for
Rebelling against God or the Church
Searching for what is True
Spiritually stifled at Church; looking for something more
Found a more vibrant spiritual community
to be old enough to do more Tired of waiting to be old enough to do more than just sit
Other (please specify): ________
Picture this!
Get with your original partner