This unit is all about Puzzles Games Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

This unit is all about Puzzles Games Strategy

MAMDMA2.a Solve problems represented by a vertex-edge graph, and find critical paths, Euler paths, and minimal spanning trees. What is Graph Theory? What is an Euler Circuit?

Let’s take a tour through the city of Konigsberg


1. Starts and ends in the same place 2 1. Starts and ends in the same place 2.Crosses every bridge, but only once Carl’s Tours Alison’s Tours Briana’s Tours Dave’s Tours

Can you visit each one of the exhibits without back tracking

Possible Solution

Points or vertices are land Lines or edges are bridges

Points or vertices are land Lines or edges are bridges

Euler Paths and Circuits Euler Path – you can find a path through all vertices that uses every edge exactly once. Euler Circuit – a Euler Path that begins and ends at the same place The Eastern Garden was a _______