Practice for Real Cases Master’s student at UC Davis Kiyoung Lee is my supervisor
Recompile WRF with the real case ./compile em_real (no need to clean for serial code) ./clean –a (for OMP code) ./configure (option 8 on moe) ./compile em_real Prepare meteorological files (met_xxx) Need to run WPS (next class) Let’s try test data set on the WRF website this time Modify namelist.input if needs (later)
Practice for Real Cases cp namelist.input.jan00 namelist.input (no need to change) Download wps_30km.tar.gz from the WRF website for practicing Parallel to WRFV3, create a directory DATA Unzip and untar the file to DATA directory gunzip wps_30km.tar.gz tar xvf wps_30km.tar Link those met_xxx files to em_real directory cd /directory/em_real ln –s /directory/DATA/met_* .
Practice for Real Cases Execute real.exe After generating wrfinput_d01 (wrfinput_d02 etc.) & wrfbdy_d01, execute wrf.exe for simulations/forecasts Use RIP4 to plot 10-m wind vectors 2-m temperature and moisture (color one of fields) + map 850 mb temperature + moisture (color one of fields) + map 500 height and vorticity (color one of fields) + map