ME 123 Computer Applications I Lecture 18: Statistical Functions 4/8/03
ME 123 Computer Applications I Feedback Exam 1 feedback: Problem 5 is meant to be a user defined function. Quite a few of you missed that problem specification. In Problem 6, the complement of “greater than” is “less than or equal to”, not just “less than”. The while loop statement would serve this problem well. If you receive a score below 80%, you need to review the materials more! See me if you need additional help. Homework feedback: The definition of error for the secant method is NOT the same as that for the bisection method. For the secant method, For the bisection method, Since the secant method makes use of the functional information, it converges much faster than the bisection method. Lecture 18 ME 123 Computer Applications I
ME 123 Computer Applications I Road Map of Lecture 18 Solutions to Exam 1 Solutions to HW 4-4 More exercises on MATLAB programming: computing statistics work on the flow chart first (no matter how simple it may be) emphasis on modular programming design Lecture 18 ME 123 Computer Applications I