CLASS OVERVIEW What is professionalism? Who uses it? When does one use it? Why do we use it? “Do we always have to be professional?”
Professionalism Defined “The competent manner and good conduct in which one completes their job and displays a good example in front of others.” “The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” One exemplifies Professionalism when they act and carry out their duties in a mature manner expected of them.
Who uses professionalism? Anyone who wishes to be respected. All leaders are required to be professional, but not all choose to be. You need to choose whether you want to set a good example by being the professional, or by being the one who does as they please with disregard to the consequences.
Characteristics of Professionals Maturity Control Self- Discipline Good conduct Excellence Sets an Example
Professionals meet three criteria Skilled -You have a job and you know how to do it. Whether you are a skilled janitor or a skilled CEO, you still meet the first criteria. Selfless -You exemplify volunteer service and are not afraid to go out of your way to help others. Ethical -You hold both yourself and your peers to a strict ethical code. Whatever your beliefs are, you still stand firm.
When does one use professionalism? As a leader, you are always a professional, and like wise must always act in a professional manner. Your Followers will always look to your for guidance. Unprofessional leaders gain nothing but disrespect.
Why do we use professionalism? To set a good example To get the job done and to encourage others to do so To gain and hold you subordinates respect, a requirement if you intend to lead and to lead well.
“Do we always have to be professional?” If you intend to succeed…YES. There is a time to loosen up, and a time to keep a straight face. But loosening up is not being unprofessional.
“The term ‘unprofessional leader’ is an oxymoron “The term ‘unprofessional leader’ is an oxymoron. If one cannot behave professionally, one can expect neither respect nor devoted followers, and as a result, cannot be a source of influence”