What alternatives are there to the plume hypothesis? Helen Brown
Background! Great variability amongst “hot spots” Plume theory become progressively elaborate Question the hypothesis Investigate alternatives… should account for what is observed and be scientifically testable
Meteorite Impacts Catastrophic mechanism Recognition: shock related effects. Auto-obliterated? Pressure release or decompression melting Volume of melt comparable to LIP
Ridge Transform Intersections 3D finite element models Seamount formation Consider effect of lithospheric stress on all hotspots
Plate Tectonic Processes Volcanic anomalies are “by products” of plate tectonics Unifies convection and volcanism 2 key requirements: Intraplate Deformation Upper mantle is compositionally variable Location + amount of melt
Reheated Slabs Low velocity anomalies Do NOT resemble plumes Ancient slabs Velocity inversion Radioactive heat source Penetrative convection= NO need for plumes!
Lithospheric Delamination Explain continental volcanism 2 Conditions for delamination: Gravitationally unstable Viscosity lowered How cause magmatism: Astheno sucked into void Horizontal T gradients drive convection Dewatering
Edge Driven Convection (EDC) Instability between thick, stable lithosphere and thinner lithosphere. Fixed boundaries, mantle mobile. EDC driven by vertical T variation along the “edge”
Conclusions Common themes: Fertile mantle Lithospheric Extension Decompression melting Alternatives need further scientific investigation before they can truly challenge the long believed “Plume Hypothesis”