2004 #4 Trust and confidence in government have declined in recent decades. A) Explain how divided government has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government . Be sure to include a definition of divided government in your response. B) Explain how the increased cost of election campaigns has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government. C) Explain two specific consequences of the decline in trust and confidence in government for individual political behavior.
A Brief History of Parties Hamilton organized the... Would soon turn into the… Jefferson organized the… Then the _______ challenged the Democrats. Republicans came in during the…
Who’s with Who? Democrats ‘08 and ‘12 Republicans Vets/Military Protestants Gay Supporters Pro-Choicers Feminists Use Nat.Res. Environmentalists Labor Unions Rural Dwellers Poor People
Party Differences Democrats Republicans Defense Spending Vouchers to attend private schools Social Welfare Public Education Tax Relief for… Firearms Regulations
Party Parts The Party Organization The Party in Government The Party among the Electorate
What Do Parties Even Do? Recruit and Nominate Candidates Educate and Mobilize the Electorate Provide Campaign Funds and Support Help Organize the Government Translate Preference into Policy Provide Loyal Opposition Trump’s “honeymoon”
Geographical Divisions National State County Local
Organize the Competition Parties essentially run the show Nominating candidates, registering voters, training and raising money for candidates, etc. Party column and office block ballots Why is voting for local leaders and judges more difficult?
Political Party Operations What do party leaders and committees do? For the electorate – For the elected – What does the electorate do? For the party – What do the elected do?
Minor Parties Doctrinal Parties Single-issue Parties Ideological Parties Splinter Parties Independent Candidates
What is the Point of a Minor Party? Call attention to… To get major parties to… Minor party candidates can still… Are minor parties important? -ignored issues -adopt their ideas -steal votes
Why Minor Parties Fail? Money Winner-take-all Major parties dominate election media Political Socialization
Are Parties in Decline? Why? Split ticket, candidate focused campaigns