The Scientific Revolution
Everything during the Renaissance & Reformation looked to the past for models. Science looked ahead...
Nicolaus Copernicus Proposed that the earth traveled around the sun
Tycho Brahe Refuted theory of celestial spheres which states that the universe was unchanging
Father of Science Galileo Galilei The Church condemned him for challenging Christian teachings that the heavens were fixed, unmoving and perfect Father of modern physics Improved the telescope Invented military compass Thermometer
Scientific Method Roger Bacon- stressed use of experiments & observation in seeking knowledge Descartes- Father of analytical geometry and provided basic calculus that would help others like Newton
Sir Isaac Newton Invented reflecting telescope Discovered gravity and developed 3 laws of motion Law of inertia Acceleration For every action there is a reaction
Robert Boyle Boyle’s Law relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas pV=k
Medicine- William Harvey English physician Described circulation of blood from the heart to the body
The Search for Spices Opened door for the Age of Exploration Cinnamon, pepper, & cloves
Explorers Bartholomeau Dias Portuguese explorer First to sail around the tip of Africa in 1488
Vasco de Gama First European to lead expedition to India
Christopher Columbus Believed in a Western route to Asia 1492 –Landed in the Americas after 2 months Reached Caribbean Islands
Amerigo Vespucci Italian explorer The Americas derived their name from him Discovered mouth of the Amazon
Balboa Spanish explorer Known crossing the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean
Magellan First to circumnavigate the globe –sail completely around the Earth
Magellan’s Voyage