Matrix pH elevations propagate along connected, but not fused, mitochondria. Matrix pH elevations propagate along connected, but not fused, mitochondria. (A) Ratio mito‐SypHer images taken at the peak of elementary pHmito elevations in WT HeLa cells (I, II) and in cells expressing the pro‐fusion protein DRP1K38A (III, IV) or the pro‐fission protein hFIS1 (V, VI). Note that in DRP1K38A cells pHmito flashes occasionally spread over the entire mitochondrial network. See also Supplementary Movie S3. Bar graphs: averaged spatial extent and frequency of pHmito flashes in 15 min continuous recordings of 11 cells for each condition (means±s.e.m.). (B) Individual matrix compartments labelled with paGFP. Representative merged TMRM/paGFP fluorescence images taken 5 s after paGFP photoactivation in HeLa cells expressing the indicated plasmid; insets show paGFP‐labelled regions at higher magnification, with the irradiated region indicated by a crosshair; bar graph: averaged spatial extent of matrix paGFP propagation (n=6 independent experiments, means±s.e.m.). (C) pHmito flash occurring during transient contact between two individual mitochondria. See also Supplementary Movie S4. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, and ***P<0.001. Jaime Santo‐Domingo et al. EMBO J. 2013;32:1927-1940 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend