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Presentation transcript:

Project Report SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR 100 Hours Information Technology Training (For The Batch APRIL 2010) Submitted by – Mohit saraf THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Completing a task is never a one man effort. It is often the result of invaluable contribution of number of individuals in a direct or an indirect manner that helps in a flying success. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted thanks to my Guide Mr. A.K.Tiwari for his valuable guidance and encouragement through the work. Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my parents, who never complained me about stealing their time.

Index Sundry Debtors A/C Types Of Voucher Party a/c name Name of the item Display menu Day books Trail balance Profit & loss a/c Balance sheet Stock Summary Ratio analysis Cash flow statement Fund flow statement Printing view Short cut key Introduction & Versions Of Tally Features of Tally Tally screen Diagrammatical presentation of Tally Reports Generation Default groups, ledger & vouchers Configuration Create Company Tally vault Shut a company Alter a company Creating a Ledger Accounts Gateway of tally ->account info->ledger account-> create Various Heads sundry Creditor Home Previous Next End

Introduction & Version of Tally Tally is a versatile accounting package and is also based on a windowing interface. It is licensed for unlimited users connected to a single computer or network server over a local area network. 4.5 : Dos based Accounts only. 5.4:   Windows based Accounts with Inventory. 6.3:  5.4+ Import & Export, On-line finalisation. 7.2: 6.3+ TAX , TDS & Vat. 8.1:  7.2+ FBT, Excise Duty. 9   :  8.1+ Payroll & Multilanguage. Go To Index

Features of Tally User Friendly Interface Flexible Real Time Helps in Decision Making Import & Export Fast in Processing Go To Index

Tally Screen Tiltle Bar Button bar Menu bar Working Area Calculator bar Go To Index

Diagrammatical Presentation of Tally Recording Classifying Transaction Voucher Journal Entry Posting Consolidating Trial Balance Ledger Accounts Report Generation P & L Account Balance Sheet Go To Index

Reports Generation Balance Sheet Profit & Loss a/c Stock summary Ratio analysis Go To Index

Default Groups, Ledgers & Vouchers 15 Primary Ledger Type-2 Voucher Type-6 9 for B/S 6 P & L P&L A/C Cash A/C Generally 6 Go To Index

Configuration Before creating a company you can use (F12) key to configure Country specific details:- Gateway of Tally —> F12: Configure —> General Make the necessary selections and accept them. The prime differences are the use of terms like VAT in Europe and Sales Tax in Asia and America.

Create Company The very first time you start Tally, you would require to “create a company”. “Create Company” simply means giving basic information about the company whose books of accounts are required to be maintained . Go To Index

Company Information Go To Index Gateway of Tally —> Company Info. —>Create. Go To Index

Tally Vault Tally Vault is a Security Mechanism. The technique involved is “Encryption-Decryption on the Fly”. The decrypted data can be stored in the Tally locker. The data are stored in an encrypted form on the Tally Locker. The password provides access to the decrypted data. Tally Vault password can be given/changed for new/existing Company. Go To Index

SHUT A COMPANY “Shut a company” means to unload it. It does not mean that you have deleted it. Simply select it again to load and work on it again. For Shutting the Company use the Shut button from the button bar or press [ALT + F1]. Go To Index

ALTER A COMPANY You can modify at any time, any information given while creating the company. At the Gateway of Tally =ALT+F3 —> Alter The menu below give options relating to company information. This includes Alter, this function can also use this for deleting a company. Go To Index

Creating Ledgers Accounts For creating a ledger account, go from accounts info in the main menu to ledger. Go To Index

Gateway of Tally->Accounts Info->Ledgers->Create Go To Index

Various Heads All accounts from the last year’s balance sheet can be created under the respective head’s and their opening balances can be entered.

Sundry Creditors A/c A Creditor named B can be created under the head sundry creditors.

Sundry Debtors A/c Similarly, C-a debtor’s account can be created under the head Sundry Debtor.

Types Of Vouchers Tally is pre-programmed with a variety of accounting vouchers, each designed to perform a different job. A voucher entry is a primary document for recording all financial transactions. Recording and analysis are easy for different types of transactions because tally provides 16 different predefined voucher formats. Go To Index

Party's A/c Name Order No Give the supplier's name. Type in the same manner as voucher entry and select from list of Ledger Accounts. Use [alt]+[C] to create a new account. Order No The voucher number can be treated as your Purchase Order number. You may configure the voucher type through Acct. Info—>Voucher Types to set prefixes and suffixes for Purchase Orders. This particular Order No. field is an additional field to record order number if different from the voucher number.

Name of the item Give the name of the stock item for which the order is to be placed. Once the name is given the Item Allocations sub-screen pops-up that needs to be filled in. Due On The due date for delivery of the item. This will enable monitoring of outstanding deliveries. The order can be split for delivery on different dates. Go To Index

Display menu view Go To Index

Day book It gives the balances for the each day for the voucher type has been selected. Go To Index

Trial balance view Trial balance is a consolidation of ledger balances. Go To Index

Profit and Loss A/c View From profit and loss account we can know the profit and loss during the year Go To Index

Balance Sheet From balance sheet we determine the financial position of the firm/industry. We can display in vertical format also. Go To Index

Stock summary view Go To Index

Ratio analysis view Ratio analysis is useful for management in the decision making process. We can even analyze different outstanding of parties using receivable turnover ratio etc. Go To Index

Cash flow statement Cash and fund flow statement help management in the decision making process. Go To Index

Funds flow statement Go To Index

Printing menu Go To Index

Shortcut keys Go To Index F1 Select Company Alt+F10 Physical Stock Shut Company F11 Features F2 Date (To Change) F12 Configure Settings Alt+F2 Period (To change) Detail F3 Company F9 Inventory Reports Alt+F3 Company Info F10 Accounting Reports F4 Contra F6 For Display of B/P and B/R Report F5 Payment F8 Other Reports Receipt Alt+F12 Range F7 Journal Alt+F5 Quarrel Sales Purchase Memos Go To Index

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