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Presentation transcript:

Please help yourself to refreshments Welcome to Year 3 Please help yourself to refreshments

Year 3 Team Mr Thorn Mrs Keates Mrs Morris Mrs Rodgers

Year 3’s Keys to Success You will need to upload the Keys to Success from the website.

Year 3’s Keys to Success

Year 3’s Curriculum Autumn Spring Summer  The Rainforest: ‘Lungs of the Earth’  We are not amused (Victorians)   Shipwrecks  Exploring Everest: Mountains  Swords, Shields and Sandals (The Romans) Raging Rivers Please add your completed overview for the Autumn Term

Autumn Term The Rainforest Visitors Trips English History D&T Maths Geography The Rainforest Maths Art Music Please explain only key parts of the curriculum ICT R.E PSHCE

Stunning Start Please add pictures of your stunning start

Fabulous Finish To conclude our study of the Rainforest we would like to invite all parents to attend our own Rainforest Café. This will be a fantastic opportunity to see your child’s learning from this topic. Please add information on your fabulous finish

Supporting Your Child Reading: Support your child’s fluency and understanding by listening to them read for at least 10 minutes a day. Please complete your child’s reading record so we know that they have read and what they are reading. Maths: Support your child in learning their times tables and related division facts (3s, 4s and 8s). Cook and measure ingredients for a meal or a cake. Encourage your child to tell the time and calculate time intervals, including converting between 12 and 24 hour time. Calculate and estimate the cost of shopping. Daily counting to improve number fluency. Add and delete as appropriate

Supporting Your Child Spellings: Each week your child will receive 10 spellings. They will be tested each Thursday afternoon. Support your child in learning their weekly spellings in their home learning. Writing: Encourage lots of discussion to develop their vocabulary. Write birthday and Christmas cards. Encourage your child to keep a diary. Try and write something everyday no matter how small. Look out for the word of the week and encourage pupils to use it in the correct context. Add and delete as appropriate

Home Learning Each week, your child will receive ‘Home Learning’ tasks for English and maths. They will be given a choice of activities based on the previous week’s learning. Please encourage your child to challenge their thinking. Home Learning tasks are given out on a Friday and are due in the following Wednesday. Please encourage your child to participate in the school’s ‘Maths Challenge.’ Each fortnight there will be a new challenge to be won. In addition to this, we would like to see your child participating in the half termly creative project, which ends with your child’s work presented in the ‘gallery’ held in the hall at the end of the school day.

P.E kit Games: Netball and Basketball - Tuesday P.E: Swimming – Friday For all physical education lessons, it is expected that your child will have the correct equipment. P.E Kit: Navy shorts T-shirt, which is their team colour Plimsolls or trainers (for outdoor work) Warm clothing in winter months such as a tracksuit. If they have an ear piecing it must be removed or your child must use tape to cover their ears. Swimming: Your child’s swimming lessons will begin in Autumn 1/2

Healthy Minds Please ensure that your child has a clear water bottle in school. This year we would like to encourage pupils to bring in a healthy snack during break times. The snack must be a fruit snack. All lunch boxes should not include sweets or a fizzy drink. Delete as appropriate for KS 1 or 2

Communication Class Dojos for rewards and sanctions. (Effort, great work, team work etc). Class Pages. ( Weekly newsletters. Parent teacher consultations. Parent Forum. Termly ‘Meet and Greet,’ afternoons. Interim reports. End of year reports. Please add what you give green dojos for

Rewards and Sanctions Rewards Class Dojos. Weekly Red Book. Headteacher’s Award. Sanctions Clear classroom expectations. if a child is not following the class and school rules, then they will have a verbal reminder. If the behaviour continues they will be asked to move seats. If the behaviour continues still they will work in a partner class. Use of lunch time detentions. Currently, we are reviewing the whole school behaviour policy. At present these are our rewards and sanctions. Please discuss the whole class rules and rewards that were created during the first week.

Autumn Term Key Dates Trip to Staunton Country Park - Tuesday 20th September Rain Forest Café for parents - Last week of term Parent Teacher Consultations - After half term

Thank you for joining us this afternoon Thank you for joining us this afternoon. We look forward to working with you in supporting your child’s learning. Are there any questions?