Georgetown Hospital System Inpatient and Observation Market Analysis 2014 SCHA Leadership Summit 2014
Georgetown Hospital System Inpatient and Observation Trends
Market Analysis Market Share for Georgetown, Horry and Williamsburg Counties—Summary by Facility Source: ORS Market Data. Note: Charleston is not included in this slide. Data excludes normal newborns (DRG 391 for 2006-2007 and MSDRG 795 for 2008-2012).
GHS Inpatients by MDC Category
Including Mapped Observation Patients GHS MDC Category Including Mapped Observation Patients
GHS Inpatients and Observations By Age Category
GHS Inpatients and Observations By Surgical Attending
Admissions Via ED
GHS Inpatient Trends
Use Rates per 1,000—Total Market by County Market Analysis Use Rates per 1,000—Total Market by County Use rates per 1,000 for all counties within the four county market decreased between 2006 and 2012, with the exception of Williamsburg County. Georgetown County’s use rate continues to be significantly higher than other counties. Source: ORS Market Data. Note: Data excludes normal newborns (DRG 391 for 2006-2007 and MSDRG 795 for 2008-2012).