Welcome to High school Loyola Catholic Secondary School LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Welcome to High school Loyola Catholic Secondary School Grade 8 Parent Information Night October 12, 2017
Elements of Secondary School LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Elements of Secondary School 4 year program Streaming in grade 9 Mandatory community involvement (40 hours) Literacy test (OSSLT)
Diploma Requirements 30 credits in total 18 compulsory and 12 electives 4 English (1 each year) 1 French (grade 9) 3 Math 2 Science 1 Canadian History 1 Canadian Geography 1 Arts (Music, Art or Drama) 1 Physical and Health Education 1 Civics and Career Studies
Plus 3 additional credits from each of the following groups: A fifth English, or grade 10 French, or a third language, or Social Science, or Canadian & World Studies or Guidance or Co-op Group 2 Phys. Ed., or French, or Arts, or Business, or Co-op Group 3 Science (gr. 11/12) or Technology (gr. 9-12) or French or Co-op
School Structure 2 semesters 4 periods - 75 minutes each LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR School Structure 2 semesters 4 periods - 75 minutes each Period 3 Lunch: 3a 10:55 - 11:35 3b 11:35 - 12:15 3c 12:15 – 12:55 School day starts at 8:12 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m. Uniform policy
LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Expectations Religious studies each year. Each one counts towards the 30-credit diploma requirement Participation in school retreats and liturgies throughout the year
Levels for Grades 9 and 10 “O” Open level “D” Academic level LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR “O” Open level “D” Academic level “P” Applied level “L” Locally Developed level Levels for Grades 9 and 10
Streaming for Grade 11 and 12 LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Streaming for Grade 11 and 12 Locally Developed/ Workplace Essential (E) Applied College (C) or College/University (M) Academic University (U) or College/University (M)
Understanding Course Codes LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Understanding Course Codes ENG 1P1 ENG - course/subject 1 - grade 1 – grade 9 2 – grade10 3 – grade 11 4 – grade 12 P - level P- Applied D- Academic L - Locally Developed
LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR On-Line Registration Counsellors will visit feeder schools to facilitate online registration with the students through myBlueprint Visits will take place in November Registration will begin in December
Who can help you? Guidance Counsellor Student Success Teacher LIFE @ LOYOLA WAY OF THE WARRIOR Who can help you? Guidance Counsellor Student Success Teacher Child and Youth Worker Social Worker Psychologist Academic Resource WWW.DPCDSB.ORG/LOYOLA/GUIDANCE