Week Eight, Day Four Novel Unit: The Tale of Despereaux Fourth Grade ELA Week Eight, Day Four Novel Unit: The Tale of Despereaux This session will be recorded for learning purposes. Learning purposes include: a lesson review for students who are absent, students who want to review for a test, etc. and will be distributed for learning purposes.
Daily Review RL 4.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event Review whole group; ask for student responses in chat and on mic
Book the Third Review LLet’s take a look back at Mig’s adventures in Book the Third. Work with your group to complete the following activities.
RL 4.3 Character Analysis
RL 4. 3 Describe the setting and sequence of events RL 4 RL 4.3 Describe the setting and sequence of events RL 4.2 Summarize the story events
RL 4.3 Character Analysis
RL 4.2 Identify the story theme
Vocabulary slick = smooth, glossy, slippery skedaddle = depart quickly, run away covert = secret or hidden Ask students to read definitions on mic and discuss meanings WG
Teacher Read Aloud Ask for student responses in chat and on microphone
Uh-oh! What do you think will happen next? Teacher Read Aloud Ask for student responses in chat and on microphone Uh-oh! What do you think will happen next? (RL 4.1)
Teacher Read Aloud Ask for student responses in chat and on microphone
Let’s highlight ALL of those examples of light and dark. (RL 4.2) Teacher Read Aloud Ask for student responses in chat and on microphone Let’s highlight ALL of those examples of light and dark. (RL 4.2)
Why was the armor empty? What do you think his dream means? Teacher Read Aloud Ask for student responses in chat and on microphone Why was the armor empty? What do you think his dream means? (RL 4.1)
Teacher Read Aloud Buddy Read What is Roscuro’s plan? (RL 4.2) Place students into BO rooms and ask students to read text and discuss questions What is Roscuro’s plan? (RL 4.2)
Teacher Read Aloud Buddy Read Place students into BO rooms and ask students to read text and discuss questions
What do you think will happen next? Buddy Read Teacher Read Aloud Place students into BO rooms and ask students to read text and discuss questions What do you think will happen next? (RL 4.1)
Closure How did you feel reading this section of the book? Scared, nervous, excited? Review with students
Homework Discussion board?