World History Unit 3 vocabulary review Mr. Hollis
Constantinople 1453 - The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by an invading army of the Ottoman Empire on 29 May 1453 Muhammad - Founder of Islam, considered the greatest prophet in Islam Marco Polo - European merchant and traveler. His travels to China gave Europeans information about the Asian lands. Theodora - a shrewd politician, she served as an advisor and co-ruler to Justinian and even pursued her own polices Absolute Power - unlimited and unrestrained political control. Quran - Book composed of divine revelations made to the Prophet Muhammad between ca. 610 and his death in 632; the sacred text of the religion of Islam.
Missionaries - Someone who travels far from home to spread their faith Ibn Sina - The famous Islamic scientist and philosopher who organized the medical knowledge of the Greeks and Arabs into the Canon of Medicine Genghis Khan -- was the founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his demise. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. Missionaries - Someone who travels far from home to spread their faith Shiite A group of Islamic religion that believes that its religious leader should be chosen based on heredity Sunni A branch of Islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad
Bantu -1500 BC - 500 AD. Major Accomplishments: known as the cultural hearth for sub-Saharan Africa, They migrated toward the east then the south and carried their language which is one of the roots of Swahili into all of sub-Saharan Africa. Mansa Musa - He became emperor in 1307. He was the first African ruler to be widely known throughout Europe and the Middle East. Jerusalem - A holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims; the capital of the ancient kingdom of Judah and of the modern state of Israel. Ibn Battuta - a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveler. He is known for his traveling and going on excursions called the Rihla. His journeys lasted for a period of almost thirty years. He is compared to Marco Polo
Sudanic Kingdoms - a group of powerful states that developed south of the SAHARA DESERT (West Africa) between the A.D. 700s and 1500s. Great Schism of 1054 - split between eastern and western Christianity Justinian’s Code - massive collection of laws passed by roman assemblies or decreed by roman emperor. Ivan III (Ivan the terrible) used tsars awesome power and abused it. He renewed trade w/Western Empire, and opened Siberia to Russian settlement