Ekonomika a manažment malých a stredných podnikov


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Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku / Department of corporate economics and management Ekonomika a manažment malých a stredných podnikov Marketingový manažment podniku Marketing management of business

Profile of graduate in Marketing management of business The programme "Marketing Management of Business" seeks to develop students’ competence in exact analytical methods, abilities to identify factors determining the development of a business and its environment, to identify a market opportunity, to estimate the threats and the potential consequences for the business, to manage the offer so as to seize the opportunity. It trains students in problem solving skills incorporating a systematic approach based on competency in decision-making methods, which requires integrating knowledge of management, operational management, organization of managerial work, marketing in the domestic and world markets, finance, quality management and human resources. At the same time, the programme trains students to take a strategic thinking approach, to foresee phenomena, and with the use of mathematical-statistical methods to quantify the effects on the business. The programme prepares professionals in the middle and top management of small and middle businesses, in bodies of state and local administration in the areas of sole trader business, vocational schools, and project and consultancy organizations.

Obligatory courses (Marketing management of business) Povinné predmety/Obligatory courses 1. Dane podnikateľských subjektov Tax and tax policy 2. Diplomový seminár Diploma seminar 3. Finančný manažment 1 Financial management 4. Kontroling Controling 5. Logistika Logistics 6. Strategický manažment a marketing Strategic management and marketing 7. Medzinárodný manažment a marketing International management and marketing

Study program courses MMP+MMB 16. Manažment vzťahov so zákazníkom Customer relationship management 17. Marketingový informačný systém a marketingový výskum Marketing information systems and market research 18. Riadenie hodnoty značky Brand value management

Povinne voliteľné predmety / Optional courses (MMP/MMB)   Blok 1 – Marketing (choose 6 courses in total regardless of the block) 1. Informačné systémy / Information systems 2. Kvalitatívny a kvantit. výskum v podniku /Quantitative and qualitative research 3. Marketing služieb /Service marketing 4. Marketingová komunikácia / Marketing communication 5. Medzinárodné účtovníctvo / Int. accounting 6. Priemyselný marketing / B-2-B marketing Blok 2 – Management Man. komunikácia / Man. communication Manažérstvo kvality / Quality management Manažment inovácií / Man. of innovations Projektový manažment / Project man. Spoločensky zodpovedné podnikanie / CSR in business

Optional courses (other courses are offered by Výberové predmety Optional courses (other courses are offered by other departments and are proposed for the next scholar year just in June) Koučovanie Počet kreditov: 4 Semester štúdia: zimný (1., 3.) Spoločenský marketing Počet kreditov: 4 Semester štúdia: zimný (1.) Oceňovanie majetku podniku Počet kreditov: 4 Semester štúdia: zimný (1., 3.) Nástroje zabezpečovania kvality Počet kreditov: 4 Semester štúdia: zimný (3.) Risk management Credits: 4 Semester: winter (1., 3.)