Nursing program The Subjects Caring Science, 90 credits Medical Science, 57 credits Health Care Education, 22.5 credits Public Health Science, 10.5 credits First level education shall develop the students’ - ability to make independent and critical assessments, - ability to independently perceive, formulate and solve problems, and - preparedness to deal with change in working life. In the educational field concerned, in addition to knowledge and skills, students shall develop an ability to - seek and evaluate knowledge at a scholarly level, - follow the development of knowledge, and - exchange knowledge with other people, including people without specialist knowledge of the field. Högskolelagen SFS 1992:1434 Utbildning på grundnivå skall utveckla studenternas - förmåga att göra självständiga och kritiska bedömningar, - förmåga att självständigt urskilja, formulera och lösa problem, och - beredskap att möta förändringar i arbetslivet. Inom det område som utbildningen avser skall studenterna, utöver kunskaper och färdigheter, utveckla förmåga att - söka och värdera kunskap på vetenskaplig nivå, - följa kunskapsutvecklingen, och - utbyta kunskaper även med personer utan specialkunskaper inom området. Lag (2006:173). The aims of the higher education act is concretizised in seminars. Discussion and reflection around themes - the aim is for the students to reach a deeper understanding for caring and the nurses’ field of work Students can by reflection epistemologically move on a theoretical-empirical continuum, from practice to theory and vice versa The seminars are ”cells” for reflection on practice and are places where academy and the profession meet All theoretical subjects studied are linked to the students' empirical experiences.
No dividing between practical and theoretical knowledge. Clinical Studies First year: Elderly care/ Medical and surgical care (5 weeks) Second year: Medical and surgical care (10 weeks) Emergency care Third year: Community health care (16 weeks) Psychiatric care Elderly care Medical and surgical care The clinical studies comprise 40 weeks in total and take place in care institutions in municipalities, county councils/hospitals or private practices. The aim of the clinical studies is that the students should get knowledge and skills in basic and specific care based on nursing science from a patient focused perspective. During their 10 weeks of clinical practice during the second semester, the students are directly able to apply theoretical knowledge from theoretical studies in nursing science, medical science and health care education during the first semester. The focus will here be on the individual patients as human beings in health, suffering and living in an environment being dependent on care. The focus is basic caring/nursing for people with handicaps and/or age-related disabilities THE CURRICULUM has its epistemological foundation in a view that there is no dicotomy between practical and theoretical knowledge. To help students link theory and practice together teacher supported seminars are compulsory during field studies. To prepare for these seminars the students are expected to search for knowledge actively and creatively, both individually and in collaboration with other students. In the several clinical seminaries, students can, based on the patient´s health situation and narratives, relate to theoretical knowledge and discuss how to care in a professional way. First year 5 weeks of clinical studies where theory and practice are integrated. The focus is basic caring/nursing for people with handicaps and/or age- related disabilities. 5 weeks in elderly care (nursing homes)/medical/surgical care (mostly elderly patients) Seminars during Clinical Studies Theme 1: Eating and meals situations Theme 2: Taking care of patients body fluids Theme 3: Sleep, rest and activity Theme 4: Personal thoughts about illness, aging, death and dying Focus on the students own learning: Ethics, aesthetic, dignity, biological aspects, aging, hygiene, infection control, culture, gender and Swedish health care and social constitutions. Second year 10 weeks of clinical studies where theory and praxis are integrated. 8 weeks of studies at medical/surgical care 2 weeks at emergency care, op, an Theme 1: Collecting data, assessment Theme 2: Planning and giving priority Theme 3: Implementation Theme 4: Evaluation Focus on knowledge and skills in: Basic and specific care, planning, communicating and documentation of care based on nursing science from a patient perspective. Focus on: The patients’ learning and health promotion. Third year 15 weeks of clinical studies where theory and praxis are integrated. 7 weeks of studies in elderly care/primary care (nursing homes) 4 weeks in psychiatric care 4 weeks medical/surgical care Theme 1: The patient with psycho geriatric problems Theme 2: Planning palliative care for patients Theme 3: The child in care Theme 4: The patient in psychiatric care Theme 5: The nurse as a leader Focus on: Basic and specific nursing for people having difficulties protecting their own integrity, autonomy and dignity. The nurse as leader, supervisor and quality developer in a learning organization. Syftet med studierna är att du ska tillägna dig fördjupade kunskaper i allmän och specifik omvårdnad till människor som har svårt att värna om sin värdighet, integritet och autonomi. Syftet är också att du skall skaffa dig kunskaper i sjuksköterskans ledarskap, handledning och kvalitetsarbete. Du skall vidare fördjupa dina kunskaper och färdigheter i evidensbaserad omvårdnad för att kunna utveckla omvårdnadsarbetet på vetenskaplig grund. No dividing between practical and theoretical knowledge.
A WAY OF SUPPORTING STUDENTS’ LEARNING 2018-11-24 REFLECTING SEMINARS – A WAY OF SUPPORTING STUDENTS’ LEARNING The partcipants are students and teacher. Supervising nurses, assistant nurses…. are also welcome to partcipate. The students have to be prepared before every seminar. They bring their patient analysis, starting from the meeting with a patient – building on his/her life story. The patients’ problems, needs, desires and resourses concerning the theme is discribed and discussed . The aim of the clinical studies is that students shall not only learn the ”DOING OF CARE” from their supervisors, they should also learn ”THINKING ABOUT CARE” in practical situations. Why do I do as I do? Why does it feel as it feel when I do as I do? Why do I think in the way I think about my doings and feelings? (Malmsten 2001) Could I have done it / do it in another way? The students should be able to put together theoretical knowledge and practical ”know how” in an integrated way, in the purpose of getting an academic quality also in the practical role of the professional nurse. Reflection means to deliberatly consider experiences, thoughts, feelings and evaluations and to connect those to theoretical knowledge in the area. Evaluations also encludes prejudices that are deeply rooted in the tradition.
Year 1, semester 1 and 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 – 3 tracks Number of weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Health care education, 7.5 credits Caring science *, 15 credits Medical science *, 7.5 credits Central in caring science during the first year is the meaning of the concepts human being, environment, health, suffering and caring. In medical science the students study anatomy, physiology, biological aging, microbiology and hygiene. The studies in health care education are focusing on the students different learning styles in practical situations. Semester 2 – 3 tracks Number of weeks 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Medical science *, 7.5 credits Clinical course, 7.5 credits Caring science, 7.5 credits Medical science, 7.5 credits *Theoretical courses that content practical moments
Year 2, semester 3 and 4 Semester 3 Semester 4 – 2 tracks Number of weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Medical science *, 15 credits Caring science *, 10.5 hp Medical science, 4.5 credits Semester 4 – 2 tracks Number of weeks 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Health care education, 7.5 credits Caring science, 7.5 credits Clinical course, 15 credits (caring science 12credits, medical science 3hp) 10 weeks medical and surgical care, including study visits at emergency, operation, anaesthesia, intensive care *Theoretical courses that content practical moments
Clinical course, 30 credits Year 3, semester 5 and 6 Semester 5 – 2 tracks Number of weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Caring science, 15 credits – thesis 15 credits Public health science, 7.5 credits Medical science, 7.5 credits Semester 6 – several tracks Clinical course, 30 credits (Health care education 7.5 credits, caring science 15 credits, medical science 4.5 credits and public health science 3 hp). 4 weeks at campus (beginning, middle and end of semester). Clinical studies: Elderly care/primary care 8 weeks, 4 weeks psychiatric care and 4 weeks medical/surgical/emergency care 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Västerås: +46 - 21 - 10 15 90 Eskilstuna: +46 - 16 - 15 36 90