National Report from The Kingdom of Tonga to the SWPHC 15 15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference 21-22 February 2018 Nadi, Fiji National Report from The Kingdom of Tonga to the SWPHC 15
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Hydrographic Office/Services Marine and Port Division (MPD), Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI) Responsible of MSI & AtoN and Regulatory level His Majesty Army Force (HMAF) Hydrographic Unit 21-22 February, 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Surveys; CME Program Current Survey is carry at the Eastern part of Nuku’alofa Harbor There has been a delay due to TC Gita PRNI Program To be conducted in mid 2018 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Charts & Update New Zealand (LINZ) is Tonga PCA Current Charts There will be new charts early 2019 Country Paper charts ENCs Fathoms/Non-WGS 84 Tonga 13 12 5 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Publications Tonga do not publish any publication, we only rely on; PCA (LINZ) UKHO Publications 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Tonga have only one person who have done MSI training MSI has been send to LINZ by email and now to MNZ on There is currently no proper MSI reporting system in place for Tonga 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference MSI (con’t.) National Coordinator: Mrs. Kelela Tonga IALA visit Tonga in early 2017 for a risk assessment: Report received Work underway to complete the recommendation on the report Country Institution Telephone Fax E-mail Tonga MPD(MOI) +676 22 555 +676 42 467 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Oceanographic Activity; CME program survey in Tonga is the partnership of; UKHO National Oceanography Centre Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Capacity Building Training completed; Tonga have 2 Cat B Hydrography (HMAF), 1 Cat B Cartography (MPD/MOI) and; MSI trained personnel (MPD/MOI) Training require; Cat A Hydrographer MSI training Guideline or training for developing Hydrography Governance for Tonga 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Conclusion Survey on CME program is yet to finish and PRNI survey is to be started soon There will be more work to improve the MSI report to PCA as well as to complete IALA Recommendations Tonga require MSI & Cat A training Others; Hydrographic Survey require in part of Nuku’alofa Harbor after TC Gita 21-22 February 2018 NADI
15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference Malo ‘aupito! 21-22 February 2018 NADI