Innovative sources and tools for living conditions surveys


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Presentation transcript:

Innovative sources and tools for living conditions surveys Task Force innovative sources and tools for HBS - State of play 28/09/2017 - Hubertus Cloodt European Commission, DG Eurostat the statistical office of the European Union Unit F4 – Income and living conditions; Quality of life

Overview Main objectives Data exchange process in general Status and next steps…. Ideas, suggestions, inputs…

Our "raison d'être" is to provide high quality statistics for Europe … It's about what? Our "raison d'être" is to provide high quality statistics for Europe …

Main objectives A. Together with Member states analyse, for possible reuse, existing data sources and the use of big data sources as well as existing tools for data collection, in the context of the Harmonised European Time Use Survey (HETUS) and the Household Budget Survey (HBS): To define new business needs Draft methodology Identify tools and/or describe definition and specification of a tool B. Realisation of a first prototype to support data collection in MS, showing the feasibility of implementation, based on the defined methodology, including test results, user guidance, etc..

Refresher - How to exchange data in general? Data collection is like any exchange of goods…

How to exchange data in general? PRODUCER MANUFACTURER CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Type of fruits (oranges) Dimensions of the box Number of fruits per box

In our world… DATA PRODUCER preparing inputs for a survey Eurostat Gentle man's agreement, Legal act's DATASET with survey data DEFINED DATA STRUCTURE

executes data collection Modernisation Focus In our world… 1 receives survey information 2 Prepares and executes data collection 4 3 Further processing Data transmission

Mapping to daily working life… Data Modelling Defining surveys Data Collection Data compliance Format (SAS, CSV, R, DDI, SDMX, other,..), Structure and Validation, Processing engines Data & metadata reporting and dissemination EDAMIS, ESS-MH, EUROSTAT Website

Modernisation is necessary to… answer changing business needs for HBS reduce burden on respondents make survey data collection for more attractive

..and our world is changing… Every minute in the Internet an inestimable amount of actions and an insane quantity of data in form of messages, videos and texts are consumed .

Status 1 - 2 2 Task Forces have been set up for HBS and TUS (HBS Task force mandate document attached) Joint "kick off" meeting took place spring 2017. Task forces will work in first instance until End 2018 and meet separately twice per year. Terms of Reference drafted for a contract to support the work on modernisation of HBS and TUS; using the new social stats FW contract; Execution from approx. End-October 2017

Status 2 - 2 Eurostat Grants programme foresees some support for modernisation activities Participation in the ESS TF Big Data to be informed about and to contribute to on going developments Preparation of supporting instruments for organising the work of the TFs (external confluence wiki, Yammer group)

Main outcomes - joint kick off TF meeting 1 The mandates for both Task Forces, HBS and TUS, have been adopted. Presentations provided by Member States about ongoing activities improving the data collection. This state of play is an important input for upcoming work of the Task forces. Examples of ongoing activities (projects): introduction of a software for automatic coding of information from scanned receipts, the use of mobile devices to collect different variables and reducing the use of paper, different potential sources for collecting financial data and the use of online budget diaries.

Main outcomes - joint kick off TF meeting 2 The mandates for both Task Forces, HBS and TUS, have been adopted. Presentation provided by the ESS TF Big Data; Specific apps/tools were highlighted which could be of use to collect data for HBS and TUS; HBS examples Scanning of receipts, use of electronic receipts Use information on bank transactions Credit cards, loyalty cards usage Ways to link data from different sources.

Next steps… October 2017 - Task Force meeting related to TUS December 2017 - Task Force meeting related to HBS Further engage in the work of the ESS TF Big Data. Start execution phase of contract to support our work. Business case description for modernisation of HBS and TUS in progress Launch more detailed discussion topics about HBS and TUS business needs with TF members …

Big data for beginners…

Ideas's, Suggestions, Inputs… Thank you!