Most people are familiar with forensics as it is portrayed on television in such things as CSI, NCIS and other detective programs.
Forensic Pathology: Forensic pathology is a branch of pathology concerned with using medical principles and scientific procedures to analyze the physical evidence associated with criminal investigations. (Q1) Healthcare professionals in forensics determine the cause of death, injury or disease. The autopsy is performed by the pathologist at the request of a coroner or medical examiner. Forensic pathologists are also frequently asked to confirm the identity of a cadaver.
Forensic Pathologist The responsibilities of a forensic pathologist include: Studying the causes, nature and effects of disease and injury by conducting laboratory experiments. Studying tissue, fluids and cells of the human body. Applying medical facts to legal questions. (Q2) Forensic pathologists are medical detectives that present evidence that helps determine the cause of death.
Other tasks … (Q3) Testify in court about investigative and analytical methods and findings. Keep records and prepare reports detailing findings, investigative methods and laboratory techniques. Interpret laboratory findings. Operate and maintain laboratory equipment. Collect evidence from crime scenes, storing it in conditions that preserve its integrity. Identify drugs and poisons found in body fluids, in foods and at crime scenes.
Other tasks … (Q3) Reconstruct crime scenes to determine relationships among pieces of evidence. Examine DNA samples to determine if they match other samples. Analyze handwritten and machine-produced written evidence to determine authorship, age or source.
Needed skills… Science, chemistry, math Speaking Quality Control analysis Reading Comprehension Critical Thinking Active Listening Writing
How many animals can you see in this scene? Forensic Pathologists must be very observant about even the smallest details. (Q4) How observant are you? How many animals can you see in this scene? 86 ANIMALS
Supporting Careers Forensic scientist Clinical lab technician Forensic Science Technicians Career Video https://www.careeronestop.org/videos/careeronestop-videos.aspx?videocode=19409200 Forensic scientist Clinical lab technician Clinical lab technologist Clinical lab scientist Toxicologist Forensic biologist Forensic chemist Forensic odonatologist Private Detective Private Detectives and Investigators Career Video https://www.careeronestop.org/videos/careeronestop-videos.aspx?videocode=33902100
Are you ready to try more of your observational skills? Directions: You will have 30 seconds to view the next screen. Try to memorize all 20 items that you see. You are NOT allowed to write anything down. You CANNOT talk to anyone else.
Items to remember…
What do you remember? Question #5 You have 2 minutes to list as many of the items as you can!
How did you do? All 20: Awesome! 15-19: Great 10-14: Pretty swell 5-9: Could be better 4 or less: Wake up
Whether you are a forensic pathologist or an eyewitness, your ability to observe and recall details can be critical. According to the Innocence Project (2008) “Eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in more than 75% of convictions overturned through DNA testing.”
Research shows that the human mind is not like a tape recorder; we neither record events exactly as we see them, nor recall them like a tape that has been rewound. Instead, witness memory is like any other evidence at a crime scene; it must be preserved carefully and retrieved methodically, or it can be contaminated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo
If you were looking at crime scene photos, could you tell that the evidence had been tampered with? (Q6) Can you spot 5 differences in the two pictures?
Let’s practice with another spot the difference challenge… (Q7) How many differences can you spot?
Crime scene challenge Now that your eyes and brain are warmed up, let’s test your observation skill a little more. You will have 2 minutes to study the photograph of a crime scene on the next slide. Try to pay attention to details as you will be asked 10 questions about the crime scene! You are not allowed to write anything down until after the time is up…. Ready????
Answer each question below. (Q8) 1. What color coffee mug was in the picture? Blue Red Yellow Green 2. When was the deadline? Yesterday Today Tomorrow June 3rd 3. What time was on the clock on the wall? 10:40 11:05 1:55 2:15 4. How many sticky notes were on the whiteboard? Four Six Eight Ten 5. Which of the following was NOT in the picture? Stapler Trash Can Printer 6. What was the name on the plaque on the desk? Bill Brian Carl Dave 7. What color was the victim's shirt? Black Blue Red Plaid 8. How many plants were in the picture? None One Two Three 9. What was the color of the marker in the desk drawer? Red Blue Green 10. Where was the book in the picture? On a box In the trash can Under the body Source: http://forensics.rice.edu/html/picture_begin.html
Another career option: Medical Examiner When a person is being treated in a hospital, every effort is made to try to identify the person. Medical Examiner (M.E.) determines their identity if it is unknown. They will perform an autopsy, which includes examination of the body, its internal organs, and testing on body fluids. They will also take fingerprints of the person
If a person is unable to be identified, DNA and fingerprints can do it, but how? DNA is expensive and takes a long time to get results. Fingerprints are unique. The individual lines, or ridges, of a fingerprint are the unique part of your print. Where these lines split, end, circle or do anything else identifies you as you! These tiny lines of detail are called “minutiae (min-oo-sha).” The fingerprints taken by the M.E. will be run through a computerized system called IAFIS (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System) in the hopes of getting an identification of the deceased.
Printing your fingers Obtain a fingerprint paper. Put your name on it. Obtain an ink pad, one per group. Using your lab partner’s fingers, gently roll the fingertip from side of the nail to the other side of the nail, being sure to get ink on all of the fingertip surface. Carefully roll IN ONE DIRECTION, starting on one side of the nail and roll towards to other, the inked finger in the correct box. DO NOT ROLL BACK OVER THE PRINT, this will smear the lines. Repeat this procedure for every fingertip. Wash your hands. Repeat for the other lab partner.
Part Two: Marking the Minutae Choose two of your fingerprints to compare. On the first print, find one ridgeline of the print, and follow it lightly with a pencil. Number this line as #1. When the line you are following with your pencil changes in any way, circle the change. Perhaps the line splits, or ends, or splits and circles back. There are many things the lines do and this is the unique part of your print. Once you have circled something on the line, you are done with that line and can move on to the next number. Complete for 10 lines, number each line up to #10. Repeat on the second print you chose.
Are you still interested in Forensic Pathology? What do you think? Are you still interested in Forensic Pathology?
The steps to become a Forensic Pathologist in the USA are: 1. Pre-medical school: 3-4 years 2. Medical School: 4 years 3. Pathology Residency: 4 years (if anatomical path residency) or 5 years (if combined anatomical plus clinical pathology) 4. Fellowship: 1-2 years
Money---Money---Money Forensic pathologists’ salaries average $80,000 to $200,000 per year depending on experience, job setting and responsibilities.
If you think this is a career for you….. ….. set your goals and WORK towards it!!!!
And, perhaps the beginning of a new career goal!