Monthly QHSE Performance May 2017
Monthly QHSE Performance Goal Zero Days ( worked days without Lost Time Injury (LTI)) 324 This Month - Accidents/Incidents 00 Last 12 Months total Accident/Incident 01 Last 12 Months Recordable Accidents/Incidents This Month STOP Cards This Month - Exposure hours 42885 Exposure hours since last LTI 367040 Exposure hours since Jan 2014 (start of reporting) 1181751
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance
Monthly QHSE Performance QHSE Remarks HSE No accidents reported this month Training Sessions Held For hydrogen sulphide, use of PPE, emergency response & first aid, working at heights, Life saving rules Employee of the month report submitted Quality Contacted consultant for ISO 14001 2015 EMS implementation, and proposal received. On issues reported