Flood Hazard and Risk Map Revised schema 18. March 2013 Floods Directive Reporting Drafting Group Meeting 12 atkins_ppt_new-3
Track changes since NOV12 meeting An overview of changes on the basis of discussion at the November 2012 FD meeting and bilateral discussions between Commission and MS IPPC changed to IED to reflect new directive terminology
Track changes (2) - terminology Element names changed to follow INSPIRE terminology Data -> FloodHazardMaps FloodHazardMaps -> HazardArea Scenarios -> QuantitativeLikelihood FloodRiskMap and ExposedElements added to differentiate between hazard and risk ** principle sketch
Track changes (3) – Overall structure FloodHazardMaps changed from 1-1 to 1-many relation to accommodate several APSFR reported per UoM HazardArea changed from 1-1 to 1-many to accommodate QuantitativeLikelihood per flood type
Track changes (4) Summary Summary3 changed to Summary3_1 to Summary3_5 in order to extract the correct information for the European map Summary4 changed to conditional as not all UoM are international
Track changes (5) The 'EU_CD_FL' changed to Identifier_HLP and made optional. EU_CD_HLP added with a 1-to-many relation which accommodate the set-up where more than one feature (spatial object) exists The 'DescriptionofProbability' element added
Track changes (6) Environment The overall exposed element category changed from IPPCInstallations to Environment EnvironmentalConsequences added TypeofIEDInstallations made optional and NACE codes added as optional element EPRTR code added as optional element ProtectedAreas added as optional element
Track changes – to be discussed…. Medium probability as the required probability to report? Two optional elements added to be used in European FHRM - OverAll_Inhabitants and IEDInstallations in order to normalize data
Next steps… 18.03.13 Finalization of schema 05.04.13 Tools/guidance doc available and start of test phase 26.04.13 End of test phase 03.05.13 Final schema and tools ready
Thank you! Mette.Wolstrup@atkinsglobal.com atkins_ppt_new-3