Network Virtualization Overlays (NVO3) Working Group IETF 97, November 2016, Seoul Chairs: Secretary: Sam Aldrin <> Matthew Bocci <> Ignas Bagdonas <>
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Administrivia Blue Sheets! Note takers + Jabber Scribe? Jabber / XMPP Mailing List: General Discussion: To Subscribe: Archive:
Agenda – Thursday 17th Nov Welcome and Introduction – Chairs (5 min) OAM Header for use in Overlay Networks Greg Mirsky (10 min) On-demand Continuity Check (CC) and Connectivity Verification (CV) for Overlay Networks Greg Mirsky (10 min) Report back on round table discussions WG Chairs (60 min) Control Plane – Benson Schliesser (20 mins) Data Plane – Pat Thaler (20 mins) OAM – Greg Mirsky (20 mins)