Transition What does it mean?
When things change from one thing to another. Going out to play and coming in again Moving classes to a new year group. Saying good bye to mum, dad, nan or grandad at the start of the day or if they go out when you are at home. Having a different teacher. Coming back after each holiday. Coming to school every day. Moving to secondary school. Going to sleep can be very tricky for some children.
Some changes are fun, some are tricky. 1. Can you think of some fun transitions? 2. Can you think of some tricky transitions?
Transitions are tricky for everyone, but they can be trickier for some people: If they are on the autistic spectrum If they have moved schools If someone close has left If things at home are difficult
When I start a new job , on the first day I feel like this! I feel a bit sick and worried. This is a big transition for me.
When you are worried about a transition What might an adult see when they look at you? How might you feel inside? Butterflies in your tummy Heart beating fast Thoughts racing in your head Like you’re going to be sick You just can’t understand what’s going on I can’t sleep.
What can teachers do to help children? Be kind, caring and understanding, BUT it really helps if you tell us or your parents tell us when you are worried. Then we can make a plan.
Some ideas to help you with transition Visual timetable Plans
It’s a good idea to let an adult know when …. When adults know you are worried we can help you. That’s part of our job to help you learn how to cope with tricky feelings and situations. It’s important to learn how to cope. you feel the worried feelings in your body or the worried thoughts Even if you don’t understand why you are having these thoughts and feelings
This takes courage, but it is a good idea to share your transition worries. Be courageous! Tell an adult or a friend.