When is a fit good??? Ulrich Becker 3/4/2009 Repeat from last Mini lecture Fit exercises 1,2,3 2009 and 2008 Likelihood and goodness of fit
More in Bevington, ch 11 and Taylor. Let’s go to :
Your data analysis
Problem 1 good: error bars comparison not so: Size of letters/#’s Result: Can’t tell ! But for higher statistics Poisson-> Gauss
Problem 2.1 not good worse
learned: very sensitive to background 2.1 was a Lorentzian with little background. 2008 results: learned: very sensitive to background
Problem 2.2 Result: Gaussian
2.2 was a Gaussian with background. 2008 results: Note: for set a) hypotheses are indistinguishable!
Problem 3 I0 = 98±3 102 ±3 = 0.78 ±.03 0.80 ±.03 = -1.72 ±..015 +1.73 ±.016 Bkgrd = 18.0 ±.2 2/394 = 1.05 = 3.46 ±.02
PDG: for future use….