TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT LEADING PRACTICE KZN south REGIONAL TRIPARTITE FORUM Speaker : Buyisile Breakfast Date : 10 May 2018 Venue : Pinetown,Giba Gorge Conference Centre
AGENDA MOSH Brief Background MOSH Adoption System Traffic Management Leading Practice Conclusion
1.MOSH Brief background What is MOSH MOSH Journey MOSH Learning Hub structure Transport and Machinery team
What is MOSH Mining Industry Occupational Safety and Health Initiative ? To ensure sustainability of the practices?
Key Events and Decisions MOSH JOURNEY Key Events and Decisions 2003 2007 2009 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2008 Capacity Established the Learning Hub to promote learning by encouraging mining companies to learn from the pockets of excellence that exist in the mining industry 2003 Milestones Mining Industry Tripartite partners agree on OHS targets and milestones 2005 Industry Commit to the sharing of best practice 2007 Pioneer Development of the MOSH leading practice adoption system 2008 Pilot Piloted the MOSH adoption system successfully 2009
Key Events and Decisions MOSH JOURNEY Key Events and Decisions 2010 2014 2020 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2011 Integration The Learning Hub is integrated into the Chamber’s core business. Adoption of Leading Practice forms integral part of the Mining Charter CTF Members made important commitments to implement the Culture Transformation framework as part of the Mining Charter Vision Our Vision for the future? Current milestones elimination of fatalities Your actions? Re-commit Mining Industry Tripartite Partners agree new OHS milestones. Centre of Excellence officially launched 2010 2011 2014 2020
MOSH LEARNING HUB STRUCTURE EXECUTIVE Chamber Council Chamber Executive MHSC/MOSH MOU Adoption Team Sponsor (One per Team) MOSH Task Force LEARNING HUB MOSH SECRETARIAT Head + 6 x Specialists NOISE MOSH Adoption Team (Specialist) + 2xManagers DUST FALLS OF GROUND TRANSPORT & MACHINERY
Transport and machinery team Pfunzo Neguyuni Intern Ntsiky Phokwana Adoption Team Manager Kobus Blomerus Adoption Team Specialist Buyisile Breakfast Adoption Team Manager Objective: To find leading practices that have the highest potential for reducing transport and machinery incidents and facilitating adoption by the rest of the industry.
Transport and machinery team TRANSPORT & MACHINERY Adoption Team (Specialist) + 2xManagers Hard Rock Industry Team Open Pit/Cast Industry Team Underground Coal Industry Team
2.MOSH ADOPTION SYSTEM What is Adoption and why? MOSH Methodology Concept of Adoption MOSH Leading Practice
What is Adoption and why
mosh methodology A systematic approach for identifying leading practices in health and safety and facilitating its widespread adoption across the industry. Phase one Identify leading practices with the greatest potential to address the major risks Phase three Facilitate widespread adoption of the practice using a Community of Practice for Adoption Phase two Document the selected leading practice at the source mine where it is already applied
Concept of adoption vs implementation
Behaviour Communication MOSH LEADING PRACTICE MOSH Leading Practice Technical Details Behaviour Communication Leadership Behaviour
2.TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT LEADING PRACTICE 18 Elements of the TMLP Demonstration Of Practical Leadership What will it take Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis
Elements of the traffic management leading practice 1. Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis 2. Mine Access & Mine Access routes 3. Mine Layout & Road Systems (Routes) 4. Pedestrian Movement 5. Contractor Operations 6. Contractor Hauling Vehicle Movement 7. Collection/delivery Vehicle Movement 8. Traffic Management Rules 9. Road Design 10. Road Maintenance & Repair 11. General Rules for Breakdown & recovery 12. Brake Test Ramps & Testing Points 13. Mine Site Design/Pre Planning Design 14. Parking Areas 15. Visibility & Awareness 16. Traffic Management & Supervision 17. Re-fuelling Areas 18. Maintenance Activities BEST OF BREED!
Demonstration of Practical Leadership
PRACTICAL LEADERSHIP TOWARDS ZERO HARM! WHAT WILL IT TAKE? PRACTICAL LEADERSHIP TOWARDS ZERO HARM! Establish an on-mine multidisciplinary Adoption Team Conduct a comprehensive traffic flow analysis Conduct a vehicle and pedestrian risk analysis Do extensive communication Conduct enhanced training for competence (not just knowledge) Monitoring of project progress and effectiveness
3. CONCLUSIONS Support for the Journey How to Register to Adopt Potential Adopter Mines KZN Launch
SUPPORT FOR THE JOURNEY Chamber of Mines Learning Hub Support: Principal Adoption Specialist + 2 Adoption Team Managers Knowledge & competence sharing on: MOSH Adoption; Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis Support documentation (Guides, presentations, Spreadsheets, etc.) Regional Community of Practice for Adoption (COPA): Peer-to-peer group Sharing of successes and challenges Accountability to each other Progress monitoring
How to Register to Adopt You are encouraged to register to Adopt on the MOSH website by following these steps: Go to Click on the “Transport & Machinery” tab then select “Leading Practices” on the dropdown menu Scroll down and click on “Read more” under Traffic Management Leading Practice Click on “Register to Adopt” Complete the online form and a confirmation email will be sent to you on approval Once registered, you will be added to the communications list for the arrangements of the Community of Practice for Adoption (COPA) meetings.
Potential Adopter Mines 07 April 2017
Regional MOSH TMLP Launch: 06 June 2018 (Venue T B C) KZN LAUNCH Regional MOSH TMLP Launch: 06 June 2018 (Venue T B C) Traffic Flow and Risk Analysis (A case study) 18 Elements of Traffic Management Leading Detailed Adoption guide Updates on the CM&EE Collision Avoidance Project
Thank you! Any Questions?