Emotional Strength Training Lesson 7 Adapted from “Strong Kids” for Grades 6-8
Learning Target I can solve conflicts with other people.
Review What do the following terms mean? Self-control Optimism Pessimism What is the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking? Remember, experiencing negative thoughts is normal!
Conflict Resolution Conflict resolution is a way of discussing a topic in a helpful manner and finding some way to reach an agreement. Today we’re going to learn how to use conflict resolution to solve conflicts with other people.
Activity 1: Worksheet As a class, read through the different alternatives to conflict on the worksheet and discuss what each one means. Complete the worksheet with a partner. (10 minutes) Share out one of the scenarios you and your partner described or drew.
The Problem-Solving Model We are going to discuss the Problem-Solving Model as a way to solve problems or disagreements one step at a time. Identify the Problem– What are you arguing about? Brainstorm Solutions- List some of the ways you can solve this problem. Each person should generate at least two solutions. Choose a Solution- Which way seems the most reasonable? Make an Agreement- All people must accept the terms of the solution. Formalize it with a handshake or a contract.
Activity 2: Role-Play I am going to give you a scenario in which you must use the Problem-Solving Model. Write down the steps to using the Problem- Solving Model for the scenario. Make sure you show a POSITIVE example of how the model works. Practice acting it out. (15 minutes) I may ask you to perform the scenario for the class.
Comprehension Check Answer on a half-sheet of paper. Think of a problem you have had with a person in the past. How did you handle it? How could you have handled it better?