Strategic Choices for Education Reform in Nigeria January 20-26, 2008 -- Abuja, Nigeria SESSIONS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SETTING THE STAGE/ INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT Of REFORM BUILDING CAPACITY FINANCE AND EXPENDITURE EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR RAISING QUALITY IMPROVING TEACHING AND LEARNING 1st Morning Session 8:30-10:30 Sunday Evening: Welcome Introductions & Cocktail Reception Accountability and Governance The challenge of accountability in public education and the role of information and voice in accountability. The WDR conceptual framework. Presentation Panel Discussion Education Finance in Federal Systems: Principles of education finance in federal systems & lessons of finance reform in Brazil, South Africa, and the US. Video-Presentation Examples of Conditional Cash Transfers Short presentation and discussion Recognizing Quality and Assessing Student Outcomes Presentation, group exercises and discussion International Trends in Teacher Management and Development Presentation and discussion Introductions – exercise Course Overview Official Course Opening (10:00-10:30) 2nd Morning 11:00-13:00 What is Education Reform? Strengthening Accountability and Governance in Nigerian Education Group Exercise Discussion Challenges of Education Finance in Nigeria Introduction to Resource Materials on Education Finance and Accountability Package and selected PETS/QSDS findings. Education Financing Self-assessment Group exercise Improving the Quality of Secondary Education in Africa: The SEIA Program Strategies for Managing and Developing Teachers in Nigeria Lunch 13:00 - 14:00 12:00 - 1:00 1st Afternoon 14:00-15:30 Education Reform for Nigeria Panel & Plenary Discussion Introduction to State and Federal Group Exercise Education Reform in Brazil An example of Education Reform in a Federal System – Brazil Paulo Renato, Former Minister of Education, Brazil video presentation and discussion Reform and Capacity: A conceptual framework Video-conference with World Bank Washington D.C. Division of Labor and Capacity in Education System Strategies for Raising the Quality of Education in Nigeria Panel and Plenary Discussion Designing and Implementing Reform: Presentations from each state and federal group Group presentations with Panel remarks 2nd Afternoon 16:00-17:30 Roles & Responsibilities: Group Activity The Division of Labor in the Nigerian Education System – Who is Responsible for what and How Effective is it? The 5 Whys? Introduction to the Education Planning Toolkit Strategies for the Implementation of Reform in Nigeria Video-conference discussion Group Work on State and Federal Education Reform Final remarks Workshop Closing Closing Dinner and presentation of Certificates