Academic Advising and Learning Resource Center Taming Your Textbook Academic Advising and Learning Resource Center 11/24/2018
Workshop Objectives To improve skills in identifying key information from textbooks To improve ability to retain information 11/24/2018
Agenda Study Tips Selecting a Study Environment Tips for Reading More Effectively The SQ3R Study Technique Mnemonics Integrating Class Notes with Text Material 11/24/2018
Study Tips Don’t spend more than an hour at a time on one subject Keep alert by taking rest breaks Study similar subjects at separate times Avoid studying during your sleepy times Study at the most productive time for your course Memorize actively, not passively Use SQ3R Reading Method Clue your lecture notes 11/24/2018
Controlling Your Study Environment Pick a “Study Spot” Before beginning, jot down the time you expect to finish When your mind wanders, stand up and turn away from your books Set aside a certain time each day to study Don’t start unfinished business before studying Set small, short-range goals for yourself Keep a reminder pad – and stay relaxed 11/24/2018
Tips for Reading More Effectively Forget “reading myths” I have to read every word Reading once is enough You should never skip a passage If you read rapidly, your comprehension will drop Skim for the Main Ideas Read title – does it give you clues? Look carefully at headings and other “special items” 11/24/2018
When Reading Difficult Material… Choose a moderate amount of material or a chapter to start with Get a grasp of how the material is organized: Scan the section titles, headings, sub-headings, and topic sentences to get its general idea; pay attention to graphs, charts, and diagrams If there is a summary at the end of a chapter, read it. Check the beginning and the end for leading questions and exercises Read first for what you do understand, and to determine difficulty. Mark what you do not understand to review later As you read, practice the "look-away method:" Periodically look away from the text and ask yourself a stimulus question relating to the text. use this exercise to memorize--but rather understand 11/24/2018
When Reading Difficult Material… Look up words whose meanings are important to your understanding of the material, but you cannot discern from the context. Read to the end Do not get discouraged and stop reading Ideas can become clearer the more you read. When you finish reading, review to see what you have learned, and reread those ideas that are not clear. Organize your notes by connecting ideas Pay attention to relationships between ideas. Do not confine yourself to words! Use representations, graphics, pictures, colors, even movement to visualize and connect ideas. Use whatever techniques work to help you understand 11/24/2018
If you’re still struggling… At this point, if you do not understand your reading, do not panic! Set it aside, and read it again the next day If necessary, repeat. This allows your brain to process the material, even while you sleep. This is referred to as distributed reading. Re-read the section you have chosen with the framework (outline or concept map) you have constructed in mind Separate out what you do understand from what you do not. If the reading is still a challenge: consult with either your teacher, academic counselors, or reading specialists. 11/24/2018
Survey Read Recall Review The SQ3R Reading Method Survey Question Read Recall Review 11/24/2018
SURVEY Skim title, headings, and subheadings Captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps Review questions or teacher-made study guides Introductory and concluding paragraphs Summary 11/24/2018
QUESTION Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading; Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?" Ask yourself, "What do I already know about this subject?" 11/24/2018
READ Look for answers to the questions you first raised Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc. Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases Study graphic aids Reduce your speed for difficult passages Stop and reread parts which are not clear Read only a section at a time and recite after each section 11/24/2018
RECITE, RECITE, RECITE Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read and/or summarize, in your own words, what you read Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words Underline/highlight important points you've just read Use the method of recitation which best suits your particular learning style but remember, the more senses you use the more likely you are to remember what you read TRIPLE STRENGTH LEARNING: Seeing, saying, hearing QUADRUPLE STRENGTH LEARNING: Seeing , saying , hearing, writing!!! 11/24/2018
REVIEW After you have read and recited the entire chapter, write questions for those points you have highlighted/underlined in the margins. Page through the text and/or your notebook to re-acquaint yourself with the important points. Orally recite or write the answers from memory. Make "flash cards" for those questions which give you difficulty. Develop mnemonic devices for material which need to be memorized. Alternate between your flash cards and notes and test yourself (orally or in writing) on the questions you formulated. 11/24/2018
Guidelines for Underlining Read a section before underlining it Do not underline too much Underline information that will help in making notes Make major details STAND OUT Use subheadings as a guide 11/24/2018
Mnemonics ACRONYMS Nonsense Sentences Pegs Rhymes Loci technique 11/24/2018
Integrating Class & Text Material Make “Master Notes” Use information from class notes, handouts, textbook Identify key topics and combine information using major points Make flashcards, they are a constant form of on hand, ready made study guides Make “Mind Maps” or webs 11/24/2018
Conclusion Topics Covered Study Environment Reading Tips SQ3R Technique Mnemonics Integrating class and text material Review within 24 hours Look at review questions at the end of the chapter before reading 11/24/2018