Down on the Farm Farmer Duck Nursery Autumn 1 Week 2 Communication & Language Literacy We will read the story of Farmer Duck. The children will help to describe the characters . They will also be looking at information books about farms and gathering information about where the animals live on the farm, what they eat and their young. Phonics The children will continue with Phase 1 in phonics. This week we will be listening to the sounds that different instruments make. Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be Farmer Ducks Farm. The children will act out the different roles with their friends, learning to listen and respond to each other. On the creative table the children will be using playdough to create different farm animals and in music we will be using the tune to Wheels on the Bus but changing the words to farmyard animals. Down on the Farm Farmer Duck Nursery Autumn 1 Week 2 Physical Development In PE we will use movement to act out the story of Farmer Duck. We will continue our Dough Gym where the children do different exercises to music to strengthen their fine motor and gross motor movements. On the Fine Motor table the children will squeeze the farm animals to squirt the water into the tray (hopefully and not at each other). Mathematics This week the children will be given a number and asked to count out the correct amount.The children will be introduced to Ten Town, this is a magical place where numbers come alive and we find out about all the exciting people who live here. This week we are going to hear all about Tommy Two. Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – New Beginnings. The children will listen to a story of a little girls first day at nursery. They will talk about how the little girl is feeling and say how they felt on their first day at nursery. Mrs C Mayne