Light Pollution Initiatives Gathering Milan, Italy, 30/11/2017
Welcome and Introduction Oscar Corcho and Irene Celino, on behalf of STARS4ALL members . Welcome and Introduction
Thank you for being here with us
What is STARS4ALL? STARS4ALL is an EU CAPS project (Community Awareness Platforms for Sustainability) (Jan 2016 – Dec 2018) An incubation platform for Light Pollution Initiatives (local or global working groups fighting or creating awareness about light pollution)
Light pollution Most of us are familiar with air, water, and land pollution, but did you know that light can also be a pollutant? Light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. Its sources include building exterior and interior lighting, advertising, commercial properties, offices, factories, streetlights, and illuminated sporting venues. The fact is that much outdoor lighting used at night is inefficient, overly bright, poorly targeted, improperly shielded, and, in many cases, unnecessary. This light, and the electricity used to create it, is being wasted by spilling it into the sky, rather than focusing it on to the actual objects and areas that people want illuminated.
Light pollution consequences Human health Waste of resources Ecosystems Safety and security Astronomy Most of us are familiar with air, water, and land pollution, but did you know that light can also be a pollutant? Light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. Its sources include building exterior and interior lighting, advertising, commercial properties, offices, factories, streetlights, and illuminated sporting venues. The fact is that much outdoor lighting used at night is inefficient, overly bright, poorly targeted, improperly shielded, and, in many cases, unnecessary. This light, and the electricity used to create it, is being wasted by spilling it into the sky, rather than focusing it on to the actual objects and areas that people want illuminated.
Whom are we? Core consortium
Whom are we? LPIs
What is coming next (in 2018)? An open call for more Light Pollution Initiatives during December 2017 and January 2018 We will offer our tools and services (and especially help on crowdfunding)
And after the end of the project? Our journey does not finish… We will continue supporting those working on light pollution, via the STARS4ALL Foundation
Agenda for today Invited presentation on Citizen Science (Maria Brovelli) The LPI community Coffee time Invited presentation: one of our Italian LPIs (Andrea Giacomelli) STARS4ALL tools and services Lunch time Invited presentation on OpenStreetMap (Maurizio Napolitano) Open discussions, roundtables, helpdesk Mapping party and open discussions (continued) Town hall and feedback session
Following this recommendations we could transform our cities. Credit: Rainer Stock
Feedback LPI session Light quality label Light quality label
Thank you