Do you feel like a leader?
If you do, you’re in good company If you do, you’re in good company. If you don’t, there’s a girls club that’s perfect for you!
Get ready to join the only international girls club that teaches what matters most – leadership, confidence, and citizenship!
Rainbow Girls . . . Feel confident in themselves and know right from wrong. Have strong leadership skills that they use in school, with friends, and at home. Help to make their community a better place by volunteering for uplifting organizations.
We travel to new and interesting places.
We make lots of new friends.
We dress up for formal events and parties.
We are rewarded for our hard work and dedication.
Just Like These Famous Rainbow Women! Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor Former Miss America & Actress, Lee Meriwether Senator, Olympia Snowe
Along the way Rainbow Girls across the globe join forces to make a difference to hundreds of different organizations around the United States and Canada!
Rainbow Girls learn that when you help others you are helping yourself grow into a better, more caring person.
Rainbow welcomes any girl, between the ages of 11 and 20, to become a member. It doesn’t matter where you live, where you’re from, what language you speak, or what religion you practice. We embrace cultural diversity. It’s what defines us as individuals and what makes us stronger as an organization!
Two Special Age Groups Majority Members and Alumni – Active, vital leaders in the organization Pledges – Eagerly waiting their turn, serving valuable support roles
Joining Is a Breeze! Complete the application and turn it in to your Rainbow Girl friend. Or call 1-800-843-4674 to speak to a Rainbow representative. You can also visit for more information.
Because Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life! Why should you join? Because Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life!