Aim: To assess the success of the Caliphate under Abu Bakr. To know what the aims for Islam were To understand the key events that took place under Abu Bakr To evaluate how well Abu Bakr achieves the aims of Islam Read the list of tribes and powers in Arabia and the surrounding area at the start of the Caliphate. On the map shade the areas that were loyal to Islam green and the areas that were opposed to Islam red.
Byzantium Persia Byzantium Ghassan Quddah Bali Bahr Tai Asad Ghatafan Ansar Ben Haifa Medina Bahrain Khuzaa Mecca Muhajirun Oman Hawazin Yemen
Abu Bakr Much of the 2.5 years of Abu Bakr’s rule was spent countering the problems caused by the Prophet’s death. The map shows enemies of Islam whereby the death of the Prophet has added to this problem.
Abu Bakr Read the key events that Abu Bakr initiates. As a group or in pairs complete the table.
Problems resolved or caused Abu Bakr Key Event Problems resolved or caused Abu Bakr ordered the Byzantine army to continue the fight but they refused wanting a new leader. He offered them moral support and escorted them out of Mecca with crowds watching. The army returned victorious. Abu Bakr sent a strong message to the surrounding tribes to pay their tax or he would fight them. This led to the Ridda Wars. Abu Bakr sent out 11 armed missionary groups to the tribes to offer them forgiveness. He reaffirmed control. Abu Bakr chose newly converted Muslims to lead the missions. Older Muslims were not happy as these were the sons of men who denied the Prophet. Abu Bakr attacked the Ben Hanifa tribe who followed the false prophet. Approximately 1900 Muslims died and the Qur’an was not yet written down. Abu Bakr took his army to the holy lands to claim them for Islam. Islam expanded into a religion for the world.
The creation of the Ummah Keeping the economy What aims has Abu Bakr worked towards? Which aims has he held back? The creation of the Ummah Keeping the economy Maintaining Islamic belief and law Reversion of all Arabia
Abu Bakr’s biggest triumph as Caliph 2. Abu Bakr’s biggest mistake as Caliph
Use the information sheet from the lesson to colour the map so it reflect the territory of Islam at the death of Abu Bakr.