How are you feeling?
An emoticon argument In emoticon land the emoticons were having a discussion, which was becoming quite heated due to anger, about which emotion was the most important. They had decided that once they had all agreed which was the most important, that emotion would rule over the others.
Who made the shortlist? Lots of emoticons wanted to join in. They all fancied the idea of ruling over the other emoticons and being the King/Queen of emotions. Some did not make the list… these were… Anxiety wanted so much to be a part of it but was just too worried about it. Shy couldn’t bring himself to speak. Shocked was too taken by surprise and as for embarrassed – everyone knew she couldn’t speak in public.. Others did not want to try. This left….
Bored I am bored… I find this arguing really tedious. I do not care for anything nor do I want to get involved in anything either. Leave me alone, I am not interested. Maybe I should rule as I would not be bothered to get into any other arguments as they are sooooooo boring. No actually – I will just leave it thanks.
Anger I am the most important as I am a very strong emotion. I am best when someone had annoyed or hurt us. I can make us stand up to them. I can make us take action. If someone hurts us I can make us hurt them back. I can tell someone that they have annoyed us.
Joy I am joy. I can make us feel like sunshine on a summers day. I can maker us laugh and feel lighter than the clouds. I make us feel upbeat and happy. I can help us make others feel that way too by sharing the happiness. My power is in how I make us feel and in sharing. I should rule.
Hopeful I think it should be me. I move us forward and ensure that we keep going. I am the one who makes us feel that we can resolve things, feel happy again, stop feeling sad, lose the anger. I am the future feeling, the feeling of tomorrow. I should rule.
Fear I do not agree with anger. I am the most powerful emotion. I can make us shake with terror and run from things both real and imaginary. I can make us sweat and lose sleep. I have the ability to override all other emotions. I keep us safe. My emotion makes us run from dangerous things. I keep us safe I should rule.
Brave I think that I am the one who should rule. I lead us when we are scared or nervous. I make us tackle difficult things. I can make us endure trying times and I can enable us to be confident and face whatever is coming head on. I am a very strong emotion and I should rule.
Sad I am certain that I should be the one to rule. I help us express ourselves when things are difficult for us. I let us cry at films, be moved by music or pictures. I am the grey clouds, the rain and the tears. I should be the one to rule as I understand loss and pain, loneliness and rejection or unhappiness.
Love I think I should be the ruler as I am the one who can overcome you all. I can make us see beyond anger and act far braver than brave can make you. I go beyond fear and yet I can feel as warm as joy. I am always hopeful and I give and share without thought for myself. I can also make us feel sad beyond measure. I am the strongest here. I should be me.
Activities Get the children in groups to represent the different emotions present. They can add to the argument and present it to the class. Ask the other children to think of counter arguments. The class can discuss which one (in their groups) they would allow to rule. This can then be shared. If they want the class can nominate a different emotion on or off the list.
Thoughts please… What actually does rule our emotions? How do we govern what we feel. Is it possible to feel two conflicting emotions at the same time eg happy and sad? How many emotions is it possible to feel at the same time? What would the situation be? Can you think of an emotion that you would put forward as a ruler?