The Care Act 2014 Consultation on draft guidance Prevention, Integration & Cooperation
What are we trying to do? Create a system that intervenes early to prevent the needs for care and support or delays deterioration where possible. Help individuals take more responsibility for their health and take early action to prevent or delay illness. Develop local approaches to prevention. Engage in dialogue with individuals and carers regarding “What does a good life look like for you?”
Background We have a health and care system too focussed on crisis intervention and this is not sustainable. The Care Act, for the first time places more emphasis on prevention. In developing the legislation we have listened to those with experience of care and support, those with needs for care and support, their families and friends and the professionals and organisations delivering those services. This consultation event continues that collaborative approach. We need to get this guidance right for local authorities and the people who use or provide care and support. Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer
Your feedback We want to hear your views about, the approach taken, are there; any unanswered questions, any gaps, examples of best practice that would be helpful for local authorities for implementation. Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer
Key Questions Does the guidance make clear that the duty extends to all people in a local authority’s area? Is the description of prevention as primary, secondary or tertiary a helpful illustration of who may benefit and what the interventions may be? Are there other examples of preventative interventions that should be included? Are there any ways that the guidance can better support a local authority to ensure the provision of preventative services, facilities or resources? Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer
Integration & Cooperation
What are we trying to do? Vision is for integrated care and support that is person-centred, tailored to the needs and preferences of those needing care and support, carers and families. Major initiatives include the Integration Pioneers and the Better Care Fund from 2015-16. Act requires local authorities to carry our care and support responsibilities with the aim of promoting greater integration with NHS and other health-related services. Local authorities and relevant must cooperate generally in performing care and support duties, and also where this is needed in case of specific individuals.
Key Questions Does the draft statutory guidance provide a framework that will support local authorities and their partners to make integration a reality locally? Are there any ways the guidance can better support cooperation locally? Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer
Your feedback We want to hear your views about, the approach taken, are there; any unanswered questions, any gaps, examples of best practice that would be helpful for local authorities for implementation. Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer