Thank you for taking the preassessment Thank you for taking the preassessment. (Note: the questions were developed by an independent consulting group with expertise in assessing the effectiveness of medical education.) To assess learning, these questions will be repeated at the end of the activity.
Symplicity HTN-1: 36-mo Follow-up Sustained Reductions in BP
“Pleiotropic” Non-BP-Lowering Effects of Renal Denervation
ALSTER BP Registry: Efficacy and Safety of Redo Renal Denervation in Nonresponders
Renal Artery Stenosis After Renal Denervation
Case Reports of Renal Artery Stenosis After Renal Denervation
Symplicity HTN-1: eGFR Stable So Far
Urinary Albumin Excretion
EnligHTN First in Man: Renal Function
Surrogates of Vascular Stiffness Reduced With Renal Denervation
Small Reductions in BP Lower Stroke/IHD Mortality
EnligHTNment Trial (Design Not Finalized)
European Society of Cardiology Consensus: Eligibility
Multidisciplinary Team Considerations
Avoid RDN in Stented Renal Arteries
Symplicity Spyral First in Man
Symplicty Global Registry (149 Sites)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)