Internal Conflict Plot Line Oedipus the King
What is conflict? Conflict is the opposition of the forces in a story This opposition occurs between the protagonist and another character/force All stories have a conflict Longer stories may have multiple conflicts Conflict is what keeps the story moving from event to event
What are the two types of conflict? External Internal
What is external conflict? External Conflict is struggle between a character and a force outside him/herself
What is internal conflict? Internal Conflict is a struggle within the character’s mind
What is plot? Plot is a series of related events that make up a story or drama. Plot is “fueled” by one or more conflicts.
What makes up a plot? A plot has five parts. exposition or basic action complications climax falling action resolution or denouement
Explain exposition? Exposition is the part of the plot that introduces the basic situation and gives information about the characters and their problems. Exposition foreshadows the conflict. Exposition
Explain complications. Complications arise when the characters take steps to deal with the conflict introduced in the exposition. Exposition Complications
Explain climax. The climax is the moment of greatest emotional intensity or suspense. The climax marks the moment when the conflict must be resolved in one way or another. Exposition Complications Climax
Explain Falling Action. Falling action is comprised of events that move the reader from the high point of the climax towards the resolution. Exposition Complications Climax Falling action
Explain resolution. Resolution, also known as denouement, usually settles the conflict and is typically the last event in the story. Resolution often ties up the loose ends— but it doesn’t have to. Exposition Complications Climax Falling action Resolution
Assignment With your pod, create a internal conflict plot line for one of the following three characters: Oedipus Jocasta Teiresius