“The Most Dangerous Game” Plot 1. EXPOSITION- characters: Sanger Rainsford- big game hunter who must survive; General Zaroff- hunts humans on his island; Whitney- Rainsford’s traveling buddy; Ivan- Zaroff’s assistant who kills the humans setting: Ship-Trap Island in Caribbean Sea 2. RISING ACTION- Rainsford refuses to hunt with Zaroff, so he becomes the hunted for three days but he sets many traps to try to (unsuccessfully) kill Zaroff (external conflict)
“The Most Dangerous Game” Plot 3. CLIMAX- Rainsford surprises Zaroff in Zaroff’s bedroom 4. FALLING ACTION- Zaroff predicts one of them will be eaten by the hounds (foreshadowing) and they fight (external conflict) 5. RESOLUTION- Rainsford has killed Zaroff and sleeps well in Zaroff’s bed