Challenges to Space travel
Learning goals We are identifying some of the risks of space travel. We are identifying some of the ways to overcome the issues of living in space. We are evaluating the ethical, political and environmental issues of space.
Hazards of traveling to/from space accidents: loss of human life cost of equipment in hundreds of millions thousands of hours of labour 1967: Apollo 1 crew died USSR cosmonaut died 1986: Challenger Space Shuttle 2003: Columbia Space Shuttle
Challenges to living in space physical environment solar radiation space debris no atmosphere = extreme temps no O2 confined living psychological problems 2 years in small space same people every minute of every day
microgravity the condition in which the gravitational forces that act on a mass are greatly reduced condition is often likened to a feeling of weightlessness 1/3 on Mars; 1/6 on Moon ultimately has negative effect on human body
microgravity heart is weakened muscles weaken due to lack of use doesn’t have to pump as hard muscles weaken due to lack of use up to 40% of muscle mass lost on ISS weakened bones less pressure so loss of minerals loss of bone mass 2% per month red blood cell production decreases and immune system weakened susceptible to illness and tougher to fight infection
International space station
International space station Chris Hadfield videos ISS video
Space junk look out! ISS and space junk
You think you’ve got issues!?
Ethical issues Is it right to spend money on space exploration rather than on solving problems on Earth? Do we have a right to alter materials in space to meet our needs? How can we ensure that space resources will be used for the good of humans and not to further the interests of only one nation or group?
Political issues Is it responsible to send humans into a high-risk environment like space? Who owns space and its various celestial bodies? Who has the right to use the resources in space? Who will determine how space will be used? Should weapons be allowed in space?
Environmental issues Who is responsible for protecting space environments from alteration? Who is responsible for cleaning up “space junk” (the equipment no longer used in space but left there in orbit)? Who should pay for space junk clean-up?
Learning goals We are identifying some of the risks of space travel. We are identifying some of the ways to overcome the issues of living in space. We are evaluating the ethical, political and environmental issues of space.