DMIS Tools Course Lesson 13 - Generating DMIS Reports Welcome to the DMIS Tools Course Lesson 13 - Generating DMIS Reports. At the end of this lesson, you will understand how to generate the various DMIS reports. We recommend you print out this course material as “Notes Pages.” That way, you can read along while you view the slides in Slide Show mode. You could also 3-hole punch the Notes Pages, place them in a binder, and keep it as a handy DMIS desk reference. DMIS Web Services Release 2.3
Incident Detail Reports Filtering Incident List Reports Topics Generating Reports Incident Detail Reports Filtering Incident List Reports Specific Needs Requests/Replies Reports Other Reports Exporting (Saving) Reports Topics covered in this lesson.
Generating Reports When you generate a report, ensure you have the appropriate function open and in focus (selected). By “function” we mean TIE, SNR, CAP Alerts, Administration, etc. To generate a report: Open the desired function. Select the DMI-Services menu. Select Reports. NOTE: The Reports option is activated only when a screen/form for which a report may be generated is opened and selected (in focus). The Reports option is activated only when a function for which a report may be generated is opened and selected (in focus).
Incident Detail Reports To generate an Incident Detail Report, ensure you have the Incident record open. Note: It does not matter which screen of the Incident record you are in when generating the report. Select the DMI-Services menu. Select Reports. A Reports screen appears, enabling you to select the type of report you want. Select the “working Incident Detail report” list item. A Select Sub-Reports screen appears allowing you to limit your report to specific sections of the Incident. NOTE: When you generate Incident Detail Reports, you have the option to choose which sub-reports to include. The sub-reports correspond to the forms in TIE (such as the Site Information screen, Casualties screen, etc.). Select the sub-reports to be generated by single-clicking on them (to select multiple line items, hold down the Ctrl key). Click the OK button. Or, click Cancel to cancel the report. An Incident Report screen appears with the information pertinent to the selected report. At this point you have the option of exporting the report, closing it, or printing it. To export (save) the report, see slide 10 of this lesson To close the report, click the Close button, the X in the upper right corner of the report, or select Close from the File menu. To print the report, click the Print button or select Print from the File menu. CAUTION: If you want a map included when generating an Incident Detail Report, you must have opened the Map screen to load the map. Otherwise, you will receive a message indicating that no image was available for the report.
Incident List Reports To generate an Incident List Report: Retrieve the Incident List. Select the DMI-Services menu. Select Reports. A Reports screen appears, enabling you to select the type of report you want. Select the appropriate report from the list in the Reports Generator section of the screen by single-clicking on the report type to select it. NOTE: In the bottom portion of the Reports screen is a text box that provides a short description of the report you have selected. Click the OK button. Or, click Cancel to cancel the report. An Incident List Report screen appears with the information pertinent to the selected report. At this point you have the option of exporting the report, closing it, or printing it. To export (save) the report, see slide 10 of this lesson To close the report, click the Close button, click the X in the upper right corner of the report, or select Close from the File menu. To print the report, click the Print button or select Print from the File menu.
Specific Needs Requests/Replies Reports Reports of Specific Needs Requests and Replies may also be generated. To do so: Ensure you have the Specific Needs Request/Replies screen open and in focus (selected). Select the SNR for which you want to generate a report by single-clicking on the SNR to select it. NOTE: At this time you may only select one SNR per report. Select the DMI-Services menu. Select Reports. A Reports screen appears allowing you to select the type of report you want. Select the appropriate report from the list in the Reports Generator section of the screen by single-clicking on the report type to select it. If appropriate, a Select Sub-Reports screen appears allowing you to limit your report to specific sections of the Incident. The only sub-reports for SNR’s is the Line Item report. Select the sub-report(s) to be generated by single-clicking on them/it (to select multiple line items hold down the Ctrl key). Click the OK button. Or, click Cancel to cancel the report A Report screen appears with the information pertinent to the selected report. At this point you have the option of exporting the report (see slide 10), closing it, or printing it. To close the report, click the Close button, the X in the upper right corner of the report, or select Close from the File menu. To print the report, click the Print button or select Print from the File menu.
Specific Needs Requests/Replies Reports When you select a sent Specific Needs Request on which you want a report and you select lines items as a sub-report, you will obtain a report that includes any replies that correspond with the line item request. SNR detail reports provide request and reply information by line item.
Other Reports Other reports can be generated when the following screens are open and “in focus”: CAP Alert CAP Alerts List COG Profile Operator Profile There are other reports that may be generated when the following screens are open and “in focus”: CAP Alerts CAP Alerts List COG Profile Operator Profile NOTE: AT this time only a single Operator Profile can be the focus of a report. If an Administrator wants to have a report on the Operator Profiles for the COG, a separate report for each Operator Profile must be generated and then printed/exported.
Exporting (Saving) Reports After you have generated a report, you may wish to export – essentially save – the report as a file in one of two possible formats. The two formats currently available are .pdf and .rtf. To export a report: Ensure the generated report is showing on your monitor. Select the Export button or select Export from the File menu. The Export Type box appears. Select the type of export you want (PDF or RTF) by single-clicking on the type. NOTE: DMIS uses RTF for editable text reports as that retains most formatting no matter your word application. If you export to RTF, you can edit the report. If you export to PDF, you may NOT edit the report. Click OK. The Save message box appears allowing you to name the report and save it to a directory. NOTE: The default report name is “report.pdf” or “report.rtf”, depending on which format you select. Be careful to change the default to something more appropriate, especially if you generate multiple reports. Click Save to save the report or Cancel to cancel the save. An Export Successful dialog box appears. Click the Close button to close the report and return to the original in-focus screen. Public Information Officers have found this to be a convenient means to effective working relationships with the media. Report files of the actual or edited incident information may be sent to the media for dissemination to the public. The reaction in the media and public has been an increased confidence that their government is providing them with the “real” information. You have two options for the format in which to save a report.
End of DMIS Tools Course – Lesson 13 Generating DMIS Reports This concludes Lesson 13 of the DMIS Tools Course - Generating DMIS Reports.