TABLE 10-1 Some Basic Differences between Privately Owned and Publicly Owned Projects
Figure 10-1 Schematic Representation of a Multiple-Purpose Project Involving Flood Control, Irrigation, and Power
Figure 10-2 Relative Differences in Interest Rates for Governmental Agencies, Regulated Monopolies, and Private Enterprises
TABLE 10-2 Annual Loss as a Result of Floods on Three Stretches of the White River
TABLE 10-3 Estimated Costs, Annual Charges, and Annual Benefits for the Table Rock Reservoir and Bull Shoals Channel Improvement Projects
TABLE 10-3 (continued) Estimated Costs, Annual Charges, and Annual Benefits for the Table Rock Reservoir and Bull Shoals Channel Improvement Projects
Figure 10-3 The Incremental B–C Ratio Procedure
Figure 10-4 Spreadsheet Solution, Example 10-7
TABLE P10-16 Mutually Exclusive Alternatives for Problem 10-16
TABLE P10-19 Mutually Exclusive Plans for Problem 10-19
TABLE P10-22 Pier Replacement Cost for Problem 10-22
TABLE P10-25 Bridge Design Information for Problem 10-25