Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions @ Bradford Libraries Following October 2017 … Engaged Art Psychotherapist from Next Chapter Arts. Designed in collaboration with Bradford Libraries a four-week art & wellbeing programme of workshops for young people identified as needing:- some support to cope with a variety of situations the opportunity to relax to express creatively their anxieties
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions Included … Four workshops, one per week for a 4-week period for 5 groups from November 2017 to May 2018. For a maximum of 8 young people with up to 2 school staff support. Free to groups. Young people from Y6 to Y13 who could potentially benefit. Confidential Voluntary Neutral Space i.e. City Library
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: Who? Worked with… Two secondary schools Two primary schools Barnardo’s Young Carers.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: The Content Session One: Started with a non-threatening, fun activity to assess group dynamics, relax interactions and set the tone. We made “Feelings Jars” which encouraged individuals to think about and express different positive feelings.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: The Content Session Two: We used collage to express both positive and difficult thoughts and feelings. This activity prompted open discussion. This was both a individual and group activity intended to raise awareness about how we each think and do things differently. Participants identified feelings and expressed them visually.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: The Content Session Three: We made “Self-Care Boxes” which participants could decorate and add things to in order to remind them of how they can take care of their emotional wellbeing outside of the group. The session encouraged social learning and supportive relationships whilst reinforcing positive thinking.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: The Content Session Four: Finished the programme with a group activity. This consisted of doodling/drawing on a large paper tablecloth. Participants moved around the table adding to each others drawing. Participants chatted as they worked and reflected on the sessions, expressing their feelings in the art-work or written comments/quotes.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: The Outcomes Thirty young people participated. All participants chatted about the benefits of reading; joined the library and were made aware of the “Shelf Help” collection. All participants wanted to take their art work home. The majority of participants attended all 4 sessions.
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: Comments “I feel more confident” “I like school more now” “… relieved that I could get it all out of my system” (talking about bullying experience) “LOVED IT GOT a lot of stuff out in the open.” “Amazing Thank you so much I appreciate it the fact that you have taken your time out to help me develop.” “It’s good to be different.”
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: Comments “I felt comfortable and relaxed. It made me forget all my worries at home/school.” “It was really fun and it helped clear my mind from all the bad things.” “A relief.”
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions
Art & Reading Wellbeing Sessions: What Next? Is there potential to use the programme as a model for schools in collaboration with Bradford Libraries?
Any Questions or Comments?
Development Officer for Children & Young People Christinea Donnelly Development Officer for Children & Young People Bradford Libraries Tel: 01274 433915 E mail