Dermoscopy Presented By : Dr H Mozayyeni هوالشافی Dermoscopy Presented By : Dr H Mozayyeni
Dermoscopy may show melanocytic naevi to be composed entirely of: Cobblestone pattern (dermal naevi) Aggregated globules Pigment network (reticular pattern) Homogeneous/amorphous (structureless) pigmentation
Time-related dermoscopic patterns of reticular nevi Time-related dermoscopic patterns of reticular nevi. In young adults, reticular nevi typically reveal a peripheral rim of brown globules as a sign for growth (symmetric enlargement). In adults, this rim is no longer present and reticular nevi display a reticular pattern as the only dermoscopic feature. In the elderly, reticular nevi tend to progressively involute.
Reticular pattern
Central hyperpigmentation
Reticula pattern , Central hypopigmentation
Reticular pattern & centeral hyperpigmentation
Reticular pattern , regular Holes
Globular pattern
Cobble stone pattern,globule
Structurless area,
Globular–reticular nevi are composed of a central dermal component with globules surrounded by a regular reticular network
Example of globular-reticular nevus exhibiting in the center predominantly structureless hypopigmentation with a few globules.
The peripheral rim of small brown globules is indicative for a growing nevus.
This CMN has a reticular pattern with hypopigmented structureless areas in the center. It also has hypertrichosis. Although globules in CMN tend to be aggregated and brown in color, on rare occasions one can fi nd nonaggregated globules with a blue color, as is evident in this CMN
CMN with globules throughout the lesion and distributed in dense concentration.
CMN with globules present centrally and surrounded by a reticular network. Note the presence of milia-like cysts, which can often be seen in CMN
CMN with cobblestone-like globules CMN with cobblestone-like globules. Note the hypertrichosis, which is frequently seen in CMN.
CMN with target network with globules
CMN with milia-like cysts
No pigment network, and the presence of large blue-gray ovoid nests and multiple bluegray globules(BCC)
Dermoscopy image showing multiple blue-gray non-aggregated globules.
A pigmented lesion lacking a pigment network but possessing multiple leaf-like areas.
Leaf like structure
Spoke-wheel-like areas
Multiple arborizing blood vessels
Dermoscopy reveals multiple milialike cysts and a few comedo-like openings
lack of network within the lesion , comedo-like openings, and milia-like cysts
hairpin blood vessels, milia-like cysts
cerebriform pattern, which is created by the ridges and sulci.
Fat finger like