Evaluations 4-12. Evaluation reports provide a systematic approach for assessing the past performance and future potential of all personnel. For NCOs, warrant officers, and officers, these reports provide information to HQDA for use in making personnel management decisions that affect promotions, assignments, centralized selections, or qualitative management. For Civilian personnel, evaluations assist in making decisions concerning compensation, training, rewards, reassignments, promotions, reductions in grade, retention, reductions in force, and removal. 4-13. During deployments, mobilizations, or emergencies, HQDA may implement changes to the evaluation policy. These changes may affect report periods, reasons for submission, processing procedures, processing timeliness, use of counseling checklists, and appeals procedures. S-1s are responsible for maintaining visibility of evaluation report status to facilitate timely submission. 4-14. In addition to maintaining visibility on evaluation reports, HR leaders are expected to be subject matter experts on all aspects of the evaluation reporting process. One specific area that S-1s are often engaged for their assistance is in guidance on managing a profile. Although this profile is ultimately the responsibility of each rating official, S-1s should be prepared to discuss this topic and be ready to advise rating officials on how to maintain credible profiles that provide the flexibility to recognize top performing individuals.
Evaluations S1 NCOIC (SSG -SFC) HR NCO (SGT - SSG) 11/24/2018 Evaluations S1 OIC (2LT – CPT) S1 NCOIC (SSG -SFC) Identify the principles of the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). Determine Rating Chain qualifications and responsibilities. Define counseling requirements that support the ERS. Identify types of Evaluation Reports. Identify forms used for Evaluations. Define the Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER). Define the Officer Evaluation Report (OER). Communicate the Evaluation Entry System (EES) and Evaluation Response System (ERS). Advise personnel on the principles of the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). Verify the appointment of rating chain officials and publication of the rating scheme. Advise unit personnel on the counseling requirements that support ERS. Explain the types of evaluation reports to unit personnel. Advise personnel on the principles of the Evaluation Report Redress Program. Compute report periods. Verify required forms that support evaluation reporting. HR NCO (SGT - SSG) Apply the principles of the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). Develop rating scheme for commander's approval. Develop internal tracking system to ensure all required reports are completed and submitted in accordance with Army standards. Review Parts I through V of an NCOER for accuracy. Review Part I through VI of an OER for accuracy. Submit completed evaluation reports to higher headquarters or supporting Military Personnel Division in accordance with local policies. HR Clerk (PV1 - SPC) Review NCO Evaluation Reports for the three different grade plates and identify required data elements. Verify NCO Evaluation Report Data for each grade plate.