Full contents of “Black EMT Kit"
EMT KIT Cervical Collar (add txt here) TRIAGE TAGS EMT QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE EMS Report Forms
EMT KIT Oxygen cylinder “Jumbo D” 650L 1 Oxygen Regulator (2 DISS, 1 control flow ports) FROP Resuscitator with 6’ hose
EMT KIT Sterile Saline 250 Ml 1 Tape, Adhesive, Waterproof (2”) 2
EMT KIT Right middle compartment OB Kit 1
EMT KIT Right lower compartment Pocket mask with one way valve
EMT KIT Right bottom compartment Glucose Gel 15 gms 1 Activated Charcoal Susp (240 ml)
EMT KIT Left upper area Bag-Valve-Mask Resuscitator (collapsed bag) 1 Hand-powered Suction Unit
EMT KIT Lower First Compartment (Orange) Kendrick Traction Device (KTD) 1
EMT KIT Main Flap 1st blue bag Semi-rigid Aluminum Splint Folded 1 Triangular Bandage 37”x52”x37” 2
EMT KIT Main Flap 2nd Blue Bag Israeli Emergency Bandage Abdominal Pad 12x12” 2 ea Israeli Compression Emergency Bandage, 6”w 2 ea Israeli Compression Emergency Bandage, 4” W 2 ea Tourniquet, Combat Action 2 ea
EMT KIT Burn Gel Dressing (4”x16”) 2 Gauze, Sterile, 2’s (4”x4”) 6 Gauze, Petroleum Dressing (3”x18”) Roller Gauze, Elastic (4”) 4 Alcohol prep pads Chest Seal , (Bolin, or Halo)
EMT KIT Oropharyngeal Airway Kit 1 Nasopharyngeal Airway Kit Nasal Cannula Lubrication, Water-Based, Packet 4 O2 Connective Tubing Non Rebreather Mask
EMT KIT BP Cuff set 1 Scissors (trauma/utility) Goggles/Safety Glasses 2 Pulse Oximeter Gloves (non-powdered) pairs 3
Supplemental Equipment EMT KIT Supplemental Equipment Long Spine Board (Head Immobilizer and Straps) MEDEVAC Rescue Litter MEDEVAC Rescue Board Kendrick Extrication Device (KED) Kendrick Traction Device (KTD) Combitube King Airway (3,4,5) Hypothermia Treatment Kit OB Kit Pulse Oximeter Automatic External Defibrillator with pads IV Starter Kit (NREMT-P ONLY) Emergency Medication Kit (NREMT-P ONLY) Advance Airway Kit (NREMT ONLY)