Honor Roll Webinar Marci Koblenz Cynthia Cobb Supporting people today; Sustaining society tomorrow Honor Roll Webinar Facilitated by Marci Koblenz President, Center for Companies That Care Cynthia Cobb Honor Roll Chair, Board of Directors
Agenda for Honor Roll Webinar Companies That Care update Application sections and deadline Evaluation process and criteria Honor Roll recognition Education Initiative Upcoming Companies That Care Exchange events
Companies That Care Update 2008
Update since May Completed first year of Aim High Held first Annual Dinner for fundraising Held first Awareness Breakfast in Philadelphia Sponsored by PJM Interconnection Kicked off 3-year children’s literacy community effort Hired new Office Manager New zip code ~ 60654
Opportunities for Involvement Learning Honor Roll Network Virtual Book Club Best Practices Road Show Become Honor Roll Liaison Volunteer on committees Program Community Symposium CAREDAYS – Terrific TalesTM Marketing Development Honor Roll Nominating Committee Nominate companies for Honor Roll Host a Best Practices Road Show or Awareness Breakfast featuring… You!!
Aim High Center for Companies That Care is engaging the business community to increase college graduation rates among low-income, urban youth by partnering business mentors and sponsors with Chicago public high school students Current college graduation rate is 6% Goal: 100% of students in the program will attend and graduate from college How businesses can get involved… Sponsor a student Mentor a student Teams of 3-5 employees per student For more information www.companies-that-care.org/education
Honor Roll Application for Current Honor Roll Organizations Subsequent Year Application
Why Continue to Be on the Honor Roll? Accountability Establishes an internal standard to continue to meet Introspection Completing application enables self-assessment and look at the “big picture” Education Learn best practices from like-minded organizations; continue to improve Leadership Lead the charge to the role of the employer in our society to one that cares about the well-being of employees and communities Mentor other organizations on the Companies That Care journey Share your organization’s best practices
Why Continue to Be on the Honor Roll? Attraction Companies on lists receive 2x unsolicited resumes Recognition Validates alignment of values and behaviors Enhanced reputation Pride in accomplishment Citizenship Expand initiatives on behalf of local communities
Application Basics All current Honor Roll organizations re-apply Application deadline for current Honor Roll companies is December 1 Application may be requested from Companies That Care website (www.companies-that-care.org/honorroll) Submit application and survey questions via email Submit survey questions in Excel Send check and Statement of Commitment via snail mail Can also submit processing fee online (www.companies-that-care.org/givingstore) Honor Roll announced on Companies That Care Day March 19, 2009 Honor Roll companies will be notified by February 15
Subsequent Year Application Application sections Basic information Significant company news and impact 10 Characteristics 11th Characteristic – continuous improvement Best Characteristic and Key Learnings Accomplishments for 2008 goals Goals for 2009 Statement of Commitment Due December 1 OK to submit early!
Evaluation Process Same as for first-year applicants Two-tier evaluation of the written application Center for Companies That Care staff Member of the Honor Roll Independent Review Panel Media search for relevant news about the organization Telephone interview to discuss application, if needed Review of relevant employee attitude survey data Survey questions organized by 10 Characteristics Need 75% overall favorable response for Honor Roll Final decision considers both the written application and survey results
Key Evaluation Considerations Transparency Significant News (business changes, legal challenges, staffing changes, benefits and policies changes) Integration of Companies That Care feedback Ratings of change for 10 Characteristics Progress against goals Continuous improvement Progress in the last year (Significant Changes section) Some improvement in the Characteristics Stretch goals Last year’s communication about award and commitment to 10 Characteristics
Best Practices for Completing Application Cut and paste from last year’s application In 10 Characteristics section, organize response by Sustained from previous years and New/Improved from previous years Include metrics where possible Explain why If goals aren’t met If feedback not addressed If current goals are unrelated to 10 Characteristics
Helpful Hints Characteristic 3: Cultivate the full potential… -- not just training programs Characteristic 4: Encourage…work/life balance – is more than flextime Characteristic 6: Develop great leaders… -- emphasis is on people management skills, not general leadership skills Characteristic 10: Consider the human toll… -- can be internal or external examples of how this is demonstrated
Common Questions Can we cut and paste from last year’s application? What if we don’t do an employee survey every year? Results are good for two years Can use the Companies That Care survey What if we didn't accomplish our goals from the previous year or perhaps even address them? What if we didn’t implement feedback from last year’s application? Is there a warning if an organization is going to be removed from the Honor Roll? Yes – one year to address identified concerns Mission is to develop Companies That Care
Honor Roll Recognition
Honor Roll Recognition Names of Honor Roll companies posted on Companies That Care website (www.companies-that-care.org) Honor Roll seal for use on your website and marketing materials “Camera-ready” artwork for “We Made It” poster Framed Honor Roll plaque given to each recipient May purchase additional plaques, too Honor Roll recipients hold internal celebrations Celebration trinkets available at Companies That Care Giving Store Companies That Care staff member will personally announce the award on-site, if desired Press release sent to national and local media by Companies That Care Individual recipients may also contact media Marci Koblenz or Cynthia Cobb will do interviews on behalf of individual companies
Honor Roll Recognition Significant marketing of Honor Roll throughout the year including national ad (e.g., Wall Street Journal) Cost is shared by Honor Roll participants Annual recognition/education event for Honor Roll recipients on May 5-6, 2009 One registration fee waived for Recognition Event Separate education and networking track for executives
2007 Wall Street Journal Ad
Chicago Crain’s Ad
“Working Mother” Ad
Honor Roll Certificate
“We Made It” Poster
Best Practices Book
Honor Roll Recognition Event 2009 Who should attend? Executives Community Relations Human Resources PR/Marketing
Upcoming Companies That Care Events Honor Roll Honor Roll Network Conference Call: October 22, 2008, 10 AM CST Helping employees during tough economic times Honor Roll liaisons Debbie Slayden and Sarah Andzules Exchange Community of Caring Automatic annual membership this year ($250 value) Best Practices Roadshow: October 14, 2008 in Chicago ½ day seminar in six different cities Presentations by Honor Roll companies and community leaders Roundtable discussions and planning for attendees Seeking sponsors and hosts Virtual Book Club
Bonnie Dayan Memorial Award Nominations due February 1, 2009 Criteria Demonstrates commitment to Companies That Care’s mission Works to make his/her company a company that cares Continually raises the bar and further enhances programs and practices for employees and service to communities Communicates his/her company’s involvement with Companies That Care internally and externally Promotes Companies That Care to other companies Recommends other caring employers to Companies That Care Currently an employee of an Honor Roll company Awardees One nominee per Honor Roll employer who is a local role model for caring One honoree at the Center for Companies That Care level
Discussion Questions What questions do you have? What makes your Companies That Care experience valuable to your organization? What would make it more valuable? Nominations for the Honor Roll
www.companies-that-care.org 312/661-1010 Thank you! www.companies-that-care.org 312/661-1010